TFB Podcast Roundup 22: Henry Repeating Arms, and Northern Ireland

Hello and welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 22! This week we’re taking a look at a few different podcasts from around the net that came out recently. We’re really fortunate in this day and age to have access to so much content that covers nearly any subject within the gun world. I’ve run across podcasts that talk gun politics, gun law, self-defense, gun history, suppressors, military tactics, and so much more. So whether you’re listening at home to wind down, or just need something to break the silence at the reloading bench, tune in to some of these podcasts and see if any of them catch your fancy!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: What It's Like Being a Gun Owner in Northern Ireland

Hello and welcome back to the TFB B-Side Podcast! This week I have on a special guest from a bit of a unique country – Northern Ireland. I’ll spare you the history lesson on how Northern Ireland came to be but suffice it to say, Northern Ireland has some pretty interesting gun laws and gun culture despite technically being a part of the United Kingdom which historically has had some pretty stringent gun laws when compared to the United States. Our guest Paul was generous enough to lend me some of his time so that we could share all of this information with you and hopefully perhaps bring some more Northern Irelanders into the sport!

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TFB Podcast Roundup 21: Something to Listen to on Cyber Monday

Hello everyone and welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 21! Last week was a great time to sit back, relax and spend time with family and friends with good food and drink. Despite everything that has happened in the last year and a half, I’m still extremely thankful to have everything I have and be on the path that I’m on, hopefully, the rest of you are experiencing the same. For this week’s podcast roundup, I wanted to give you guys a few choice podcasts from last week to help ease you through your Cyber Monday shopping. There are a ton of great deals to be had on firearms equipment and accessories and I think that having something easy to listen to while you’re shopping around would be good – it also might give you a few ideas on what you’d want to look for deals on to shim up your gear collection. Either way, I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday and we hope to get you guys back to our regularly scheduled content in the lead up to Christmas!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Happy Thanksgiving from TFB!

Happy Thanksgiving from everyone here at TFB and TFBTV. We’ve grown substantially over the years both in terms of reach and our talent lineup. We’re all really thankful that we’re able to live and work in an industry that is a core founding principle of our country as well as a great pastime. We’re also thankful for every single one of you readers and listeners here and without your viewership, we wouldn’t be here. This episode is nice and relaxed and hopefully, it’ll get you through your turkey roast, fry, or smoke. Pour yourself a glass of the good stuff and let’s all be thankful together on this great Thanksgiving day!

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TFB Podcast Roundup 20: Matrimony, Rust, and Silencers for Safety

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 20. This weeks’ selection of podcasts is a bit more disorganized than normal (I usually like to have a theme each week) but because of the fast-approaching holiday season and a lot of recent pseudo-political events happening, everyone is talking politics and here at TFB we absolutely, one hundred percent don’t talk about politics. So this week I’ve gathered a few interesting podcasts I’ve listened to recently including one from CMMG, one from our buddies over at GunMagWarehouse, and of course last week’s homegrown TFB Podcast episode. If you’re looking for something to listen to as you count down the days till Thanksgiving, or just need something to listen to while you’re frying that turkey then it’s time to listen in!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Luke & Hop Take Aim at Optics Issues

The field of firearms optics is filled with a lot of great products for a lot of different shooters. The field of optics is also filled with a lot of opinions on what is right and what isn’t right and today Hop and I discuss some of the issues and arguments we’ve come across during our experiences with firearms. In this episode of the TFB B-Side podcast, Hop and I take aim at specific issues like the relationship between your type of optic and your barrel length, how effective BDC reticles are for firearms shooting the same caliber, astigmatism woes, and a couple of quick opinions on the new AMERIGLO Haven red dot sight that was just announced on November 10th.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 19: Military Veterans Edition

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 19: Last week we celebrated those who have served our country with Veterans Day (formerly known as Armistice Day in the United States). In honor of that federal holiday, I’ve brought you a bunch of podcasts featuring those who have served our country including Travis Haley, Eric from IV8888, Jacko Willink, and even one of our very own in-house veterans. In these episodes, their respective hosts talk about tactics, drama within the military and veteran community, and also talk a little bit about their experiences and offer advice to everyone from their experience within the military. Sit back, relax and enjoy the shows folks.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 18: Gunsmithing, IV8888, and Turkey Hunting

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 18! As we get in closer to the holidays including Thanksgiving and Christmas, people will inevitably start taking more time off of work which means less commuting and by extension, less listening to podcasts. This week I’ve tried to bring you episodes that mostly fall under an hour in listening time. So if you’re outside dressing a deer, taking care of any last-minute fall lawn work, or just sitting in your shop reloading, these episodes should keep you entertained for a short time while you start to settle into your winter routine. This week we’ve got episodes from our friends over at IV8888, Vortex Nation, and of course last week’s TFB podcast episode. Happy listening and happy early holidays everyone!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Gunsmithing with TFB Writers Rusty S and Sam S

Gunsmithing is one of those professions that has kind of fallen to the wayside but is still very essential in this country. Your average gun owner probably doesn’t know much about their firearm beyond its basic operating principles and to a certain extent, you really don’t need to know every single tiny detail about your firearm in order to use it effectively. However, sometimes when things go wrong or you’re looking for a certain level of polish or customization, gunsmiths can swoop in to save your bacon with their knowledge and experience. Today I’ve brought on fellow TFB writers Rusty S and Sam S (no relation) to talk all about their gunsmithing experiences, tips, and stories for all of you to enjoy. For more gunsmithing content, be sure to check out Sam S’s ongoing series the TFB Armorer’s Bench.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 17: Post Halloween Sugar Rush Edition

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 17! I hope everyone had a great Halloween! Hopefully, most of you didn’t go too overboard this last Sunday evening. This last week I’ve been doing a fair amount of driving and one of my favorite things to do is to listen to podcasts in the car to take my mind off of sitting. Not only is it a great way to pass the time on long road trips, but it’s also a great way to catch up with news from the industry that doesn’t normally show up in press releases or emails. Aside from gun industry news and interviews, sometimes podcasts are just plain fun to listen to and I personally think that the latest edition of the TFB B-Side Podcast was great as I had the boys from the TFB crew regale us with their own personal tales of gun shop horror. Be sure to check out last week’s TFB B-Side podcast episode to hear them all. Otherwise, enjoy the rest of this week’s curated selection of podcasts!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Gun Shop Horror Stories with the TFB Crew

Happy (almost) Halloween everybody! This week I’ve brought on some of the TFB crew to talk about some of their worst gun shop related horror stories. If you’ve ever been to an indoor range or spent any amount of time in a gun shop, you already know where this one is going. To get these stories to you I’ve brought on Mike R who has been a writer with TFB for years and is one of our veteran writers, Benjamin F who is most well known on the blog for his humorous gun-running article, our newest writer Lucas D, Adam Scepaniak who is the owner at the Guns and Gear Store in Minnesota, and finally, Daniel Y, owner and operator of the popular Instagram handle fromtheguncounter. Sit back, grab a drink and relax to this special edition of the TFB B-Side podcast while you hand out nutritionally deficient confections to the neighborhood kids. Happy Halloween Everyone!

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TFB Podcast Roundup 16: Soul-Less Guns and Suppressors

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 16! Working within the gun industry as a writer, I find myself jumping from subject to subject very often, and it’s not until I run into a review item or a specific rifle or pistol that I end up going down the hundreds of rabbit holes that exist within the gun-o-sphere. I have a recently released rifle headed over to me for review and a core component of my setup is going to include a suppressor. Knowing this I looked up a bunch of podcasts to get a good read on what type of suppressors everyone is using for each of their applications to figure out what was “optimal” within the confines of my review. So this week I’m going to share with you a few different podcasts that have to do with suppressors/silencers and hopefully each of them will offer you a different form of value other than the standard suppressor talking points – I thought they all did for me.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: What It's Like to Be a Gun Owner in Australia

Australia is an amazing country for many reasons. Aside from nearly every living thing in the island nation trying to kill you, it is also full of interesting people and firearms history. History nerds will no doubt know that firearms were a large part of Australian culture for many years up until the mid-90s when a devastating attack caused a severe reaction from the country’s government and almost overnight Australian firearms ownership was abruptly curtailed. Despite the incorrect assumption that Australian’s can’t own firearms, there happens to be a fairly vibrant and dedicated firearms community within the country and I recently had the opportunity to speak with one of our Patreon and Subscribe Star supporters ( known as Jobeeeeee on the TFB Discord Chat) about the joys, and hurdles of being a firearms owner in Australia. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that things may not be as bleak as it seems for our foreign friends and today I hope I can share that same sentiment with our listeners on the TFB B-Side Podcast.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 15: An Ode To JStark and Self Defense Scenarios

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 15. This week I wanted to feature a special podcast episode I recently listened to honoring the late JStark and the legacy he has left the gun world with. Although the 3D gun printing pioneer has left us, we can still appreciate what he did for the firearms community and 3D printers. I know personally, he inspired me to take a deeper look at the concept and in a way, he actually convinced me that 3D printed guns are indeed a viable and modernized way for us to secure our rights and access to arms. Also this week we have our very own Doug E who we featured on last week’s B-side podcast who talks with us about the grey man concept and how to conduct yourself when responding to an active shooting situation. We also have our friends over at the Studnet of the Gun Podcast talking about 350 Legend and also if Tasers as weapons in a response to the New York City banning the devices. Sit back, hit play, and roll into this week’s TFB Podcast roundup. Enjoy everybody.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Doug E On Responding to Shootings & the Grey Man

This week we’re hearing from Doug E, a writer at TFB. Doug has years of law enforcement experience as well as a lot of solid well-contemplated thoughts about how to respond to shootings and how to best be prepared for such a dramatic and rare event. On this episode of the TFB B-Side Podcast, Doug and I discuss the various situations you may find yourself in, how you can help law enforcement instead of hindering them, and also a couple good tips on how not to get shot in these types of situations should you find yourself in one. Doug and I also talk about the Grey Man concept, its validity in everyday situations and how perhaps the concept itself has been taken out of proportion and somewhat skewed by the onset of its coining. Don’t forget to check out Doug’s articles here at TFB and also follow him on Instagram.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 14: Prepare For Fall Hunting Edition

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 14. As we ease into the fall hunting season I wanted to give you guys a solid lineup of hunting podcasts that will either get you in the mindset for this season or perhaps help you guys out as you prepare yourselves and your family for the sport. Hunting is a core part of American culture and in many ways is a lost art that younger generations are missing out on. This week I’ve put together a variety of podcasts from a few different creators that should get you thinking about your favorite hunting sport and or the best way to introduce your friends and loved ones into the fascinating and complex world of hunting.

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TFB Behind The Gun Podcast Episode #34: Dave Matheny With Silencer Shop

Silencers have become one of the most popular firearm accessories from their relatively obscure origins. Despite their increased popularity, suppressors still tend to be items a lot of people aren’t willing to go through the hassle of getting mostly because of the intimidating paperwork you have to deal with (I’m sure the $200 tax stamp is not helping either). Dave Matheny started Silencer Shop in the hopes of eliminating the hassle that is normally involved with gaining access to a suppressor and today on the TFB Behind The Gun Podcast, Pete talks with Dave about how Silencer Shop Started and also what his go-to weapons setup is in the event of the apocalypse. Be sure to give this one a listen as Silencer Shop has been a strong supporter of our podcast and it has truly been an honor to work with the folks there and support them as much as we can from the blog and the podcast.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 13: TFB Goes to Texas Edition

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 13. Near the end of September as many of you who keep track of both the blog and the YouTube channel (we are also on BitChute) probably know, the TFB/TFBTV spent nearly a week in Southeast Texas running and gunning with a variety of firearms and optics from both ATN Corp and Crimson Trace. The entire crew had a great time and it is somewhat of a special event for us since we don’t often get to see each other in person save for a few times per year. This being the case, I took the opportunity to catch up with everyone and even had a chance to record a more laid-back podcast with Hop and Nick C. James Reeves and the crew also had the opportunity to speak with Lawrence Demonico, President and CEO of Rare Breed Triggers to talk about the situation regarding the FRT-15. I’ve included James’ interview with Lawrence down below as it fits neatly in with the trip but I’ll also be featuring a couple of other TFB contributors in this week’s roundup so you can hopefully get to know them a bit better. Happy listening everyone.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: After-Dark with Hop and Nick C

The TFB crew was recently able to have a nearly week-long meetup in Southeast Texas to do some work with a wide variety of products and cool guns. During the week, Hop of TFBTV and our resident night vision expert Nick C were able to do a very impromptu podcast about nothing in particular. However, we were actually able to take about 30 minutes to discuss a few of the experiences we had so far during our week-long trip to Texas and we also talked a bit about some pop culture happenings, some commercial technologies as well as our opinions on the Far Cry video game franchise. This “After-Dark” episode really is just a grab bag of topics and more like a late-night chat rather than a subject-focused podcast. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks again to Hop and Nick for the chat.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 12: Hunting Blades, Tips, and Coyote Hunting

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 12. We’ve just entered fall and as a result, many of you will start preparing for the fall hunting season. Hunting is a time-honored tradition and sport within the United States and it is also a great way to keep yourself sustained and teach our younger shooters valuable skills and lessons regarding firearms and land stewardship. This week I’ve selected a few choice podcasts I’ve listened to (or produced) to give all of you die-hard hunters out there some solid hunting material to listen to as we enter this season. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s lineup of hunting podcast talk.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Adam S's Top 5 Tips for Beginner Hunters

Hunting is a time-honored tradition that is passed down from generation to generation. Everyone has to start somewhere and for Adam, that meant very young. Today Adam and I discuss his top 5 tips for beginner hunters. This isn’t a simple “buy this and do this” type of list but more of a tale of how Adam thinks that the hunting community can help newer hunters, methods for learning about hunting responsibly and ethically as well as what types of game is easier to hunt and how to specifically prepare for them. Finally, Adam shares with us a story from one of his most recent hunts as well as a few more tales from his youth and childhood regarding his hunting triumphs and woes.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 11: California Guys, The Future, and Wild Game

Hello and welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 11. This week we’ve got a wide variety of subjects to listen to ranging from conversations with Steven Rinella about how “organic” wild game really is all the way to a new podcast we from our very own ranks. The more I listen to podcasts found within the gun world, the more I realize just how unique our community is and how many different personalities can be found across the nation no matter what kinds of reasons you’re into firearms for. If you’ve been listening to any really interesting podcasts or have a specific episode of something you’ve heard that normally isn’t gun-related but touches on the subject, feel free to let us know in the comments down below and we’ll give it a listen!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: What It's Like Being a Gun Guy In California

Today on the TFB B-Side podcast we answer some of the most important questions about what it’s like to be a gun guy in California. Can you find magazines with more than 10-rounds of capacity? Can you really not use a regular magazine release on your AR-15? Do people in California even like guns? Do the people that work in Hollywood actually like guns? One of our resident Californian experts and ex-pats of the state TFB Writer Nic L answers all this and more on today’s episode of the TFB B-Side podcast.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 10: Elk Hunting, Johnny B, and Bullet Casting

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 10. For our 10th roundup, we’ve got a really cool podcast I’ve recently come across called the Self Defense Gun Stories podcast. This podcast is much in the same vein as Police Activity or stuff you used to be able to find on LiveLeak. Hopefully, none of us will ever have to be subjected to a self-defense shooting situation but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from others’ experiences and dutifully prepare ourselves for such an unlikely event. The Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast is a weekly series and each week host Rob Morse brings on interesting guests who have had first-hand experience with self-defense situations – the stories are really interesting and give us a look into how these rare situations actually play out in comparison to how we train for them.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 9: 17 WSM, Caliber Debates, and TFB B-Side Podcast

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 9. This week I’ve gone back into a couple of older episodes from some of my favorite podcasts like the Vortex Nation Podcast and the Life Liberty and the Pursuit Podcast put on by the folks over at IV8888. This time of year is an exciting time for a lot of people within the gun industry as this is right around the time when many companies will start finally unveiling their new or improved products that they’ve been saving up for the NRA Annual Meeting and other expos. Sadly NRAAM was canceled at the last minute this year but that doesn’t mean the releases stop. Just last week alone two new rimfire pistols and one rifle showed up on the market and in particular, I think Diamondback’s 22LR revolver is something to be closely looked at for any rimfire enthusiast.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: The Hierarchy of Gun Gear Needs

Welcome to the first episode of the TFB B-Side Podcast. The B-Side podcast is going to be a little less focused and a little more light-hearted than the TFB Behind the Gun Podcast. This week I brought on one of TFBTV’s favorite presenters, Hop.  On today’s show, Hop and I discuss what we call the Hierarchy of Gear Needs and how it applies to responsible citizens going about their daily business. We talk all about the gear and firearms that you run into out in the wild and hopefully provide a perspective to those new to the industry for what order to buy your gear in if you’re interested in becoming prepared incrementally for unforeseen events. Let us know your thoughts and experiences with this subject after you listen and we look forward to hearing from you in the next episode.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 8: Everyone Talks Concealed Carry

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 8. This week we’re going to focus mainly on concealed carry. I recently got back from a trip where I received some really solid instruction on being more consistent, accurate, and quick when it comes to shooting semi-auto pistols. Concealed carry has become one of my favorite topics since I started writing for TFB and I think as Americans it’s possibly one of the more important subjects that don’t get talked about quite enough. Luckily for us, there are a ton of podcasts out there that have many experienced individuals who all have their own two cents when it comes to the subject. So crank up the volume, sit back and enjoy this week’s selection of podcasts focused on concealed carry.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 7: History, Gun Laws and The Sturmgewehr

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 7. Everyone seems to be riled up this week. With a lot of current events going on both domestically and worldwide, the gun world has been buzzing with a lot of activity on the legislative front as well as the product front. I had a chance this week to go back through an older podcast or two during a fairly lengthy 16-hour drive and I have to say that I never quite thought things could change as drastically as they could have since just June of last year. Both the attitude and the general sense of urgency have never been quite this high within the gun world and I think that as a community, gun people tend to be at their best when they are under a little bit of pressure. So sit back, crank up the volume and enjoy some of the selections from this week’s TFB Podcast Roundup – I promise it’s not all doom and gloom.

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TFB Behind The Gun Podcast Episode #33: TFB Staff Writer Rusty S

Few writers have the tenure and experience that Rusty S of TFB has. Rusty has been researching, reviewing firearms for a very long time and was brought on to the TFB team sometime in 2014. Today on the podcast, he and Pete discuss some pretty humorous situations regarding the end of the world as well as some of what Rusty does as a rancher, shooter, and lover of all things 2nd Amendment. Russ is the Editor of which covers a variety of non-firearm-related topics like archery, outdooring, camping, adventuring, and fishing which Rusty does much of in his spare time. If you’d like to check out some of Rusty’s articles, you can follow this link here.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 6: Everyone Hates the ATF Edition

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 6. This week, we’re talking about everyone’s favorite three (or four) letter alphabet agency – the ATF. No matter what your stance on the agency is, I think everyone can agree that the various letters we’ve received over the last 8 months haven’t been positive. Since we don’t talk politics here on TFB, I’ll leave the discussion up to you and the various podcasters we’re showcasing this week. Speaking of podcasts, this last week we had our very own Adam S on the TFB Behind the Gun Podcast. Adam is a current staff writer for TFB and is also the current Managing Editor for If you’re into hunting or just general outdoorsman stuff, you might want to check out Adam’s podcast – he’s got a lot of experience as both a shooter and a hunter and he’s someone I’m happy to be able to call my friend.

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