TFB Podcast Roundup 52: Old Guests and New Podcasts

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 52! There is certainly a lot going on in the legislative arm of the firearms world these days and I hope that most of you are at least staying informed on what’s along the horizon for us as American gun owners. The summer months have also brought what seems like a whole new scene of gun owners and self-defense-oriented products and content, most likely because of a recent incident where a concealed carrier managed to stop a criminal from murdering many people at a shopping mall in Indiana. No doubt there will probably be plenty of talks analyzing the various information surrounding the incident and we’ll be sure to include them in this edition of the TFB Podcast Roundup. However, what is most interesting to me about the whole event is that it opened up a new discussion about what it means to be “accurate” with a pistol. Don’t know what I mean? Check out the Dicken Drill, go and shoot it and let us know what kind of results you get!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Hop and Luke Talk About New Hampshire

The State of New Hampshire is one that I’ve finally made the pilgrimage to. Along with my frequent firearms cohort Hop, we made our first official visit to the Granite State for the grand opening of the new SIG Sauer Experience Center (SEC). Along with those experiences, we were able to get a first look at some new firearms that will be coming out soon and take in the local scenery, culture, and traffic of the general tri-state area of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. In today’s episode, we talk a bit about our experiences both that the SEC, SIG’s Exeter New Hampshire manufacturing facility, as well as what we like, and don’t like about the various waves that SIG has been making within the firearms industry and what the future might hold for both SIG and the rest of the firearms manufacturing industry.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 51: Something for Everyone

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 51! The podcasting scene continues to change and evolve as time goes on and while this often sees many great podcasts disappear completely from the internet, it also means that there is almost always something new to listen to if you’ve grown bored of the generic pop music that is always piped through the airwaves. One podcast we frequently feature here on the TFB Podcast Roundup is Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio. I had a chance to finally meet with, speak to, and shoot with Tom at a recent firearms media event and much like I’ve said in the past, Tom also thinks that these online public conversations are not only important but bring the firearms community together as a whole. In honor of that sentiment, this week we’re going to try to get you a bit more variety in terms of what type of firearms content is featured in each podcast.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: The History of Hi-Point with Dave Kiwacka

In this episode of the TFB B-Side podcast, we’ve brought on Dave Kiwacka to talk a bit about the history of the Hi-Point Firearms company. Hi-Point is probably most well known for its very affordable firearms. While they may lack the polish and flashiness of higher-priced firearms, what they lack in that department they more than make up for in raw affordability and durability. TFBTV Executive Producer James Reeves has done some pretty extensive reliability and durability tests on both their handguns and carbines and found them to excel in both categories. Many Hi-Point customers out there are still waiting on the much anticipated Yeet Cannon or YC-9 which is set to bring new features, more magazine capacity, and optics capability to the Hi-Point line. Today Dave and I talk a bit about the origin story of Hi-Point Firearms, their ethos as an American company, and where they’re at in terms of progress on the YC-9.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 50: Hand Engraving and Machine Guns

Hello and welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 50! We skipped last week’s podcast roundup in honor of our Great Nations’ 246th birthday after claiming liberty from the British Empire. This week we’re back to delve right back into our rich gun culture – a founding principle of this nation. This week we’ve got some good podcasts featuring expert firearms hand-engravers, another interview of our own James Reeves by our good friends Polenar Tactical, a discussion about our 4-legged heroes, as well as an in-depth discussion about cleaning your brass for reloading. Sit back, grab a nice glass of iced tea and enjoy this week’s selection of gun-centric podcasts.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: A New Machine Gun Shoot Coming Soon?

Machine guns make just about every red-blooded American happy. However, access and opportunities to this type of equipment are something that is often difficult to attain for most of us. Local gun ranges often have full-auto rentals for the occasional blast of fun but events like the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot allowed people to not only watch many of their favorite machine guns in action but also join in on the show by taking part themselves in the firing line. Sadly, last year’s Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot was the last one to ever take place. However, today I bring you all a little bit of hope. Today on the show I have with me Rapid Fire Rachel and her father Anonymous Bob. The two of them together are gearing up for what should be an event that will scratch your machine gun shoot itch. Today on the TFB Podcast we talk about this, as well as a bit about both Bob and Rachel and what they love most about shooting and firearms.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 49: Shooting Vacations & Replacing LaPierre?

Hello everyone and welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 49. If you keep tabs on the news frequently, then you can already tell this summer and fall are going to be pretty spicy. I’m not a very political person myself and I tend to stay away from what is currently in the mainstream consciousness. One of the best ways I’ve found to do this is to travel a lot – specifically to shoot. I was recently listening to a couple of Gun Talk podcasts and they mentioned a real trend around families that plan their summer vacations around shooting events. I thought this was so cool that I hope to one day have this same type of summer planning for my own family. A couple of the other episodes this week cover the possibility of replacing Wayne LaPierre as the CEO of the NRA, a bit more information on the ongoing Canadian handgun ban, and a good short episode from the Vortex Nation podcast about positional shooting methods. As always, we’ve included a link to last week’s TFB Behind The Gun/B-Side Podcast just in case you missed it and this episode includes a discussion about the WWSD 2020 rifle with its creators. Please enjoy this selection of podcasts for TFB Podcast Roundup 49 as you go about your day!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: WWSD 2020 With Russel and Karl

About a week ago, you guys got to read my take on the WWSD 2020 rifle. Love it or hate it, the rifle has generated quite the buzz in the firearms community over the last couple of years and I thought it might be prudent to bring the designers of the WWSD and KP-15 projects on the TFB Podcast to explain the story from the start of the project to where we find ourselves today. Karl and Russel graciously agreed once again to come on the TFB Podcast and lend us their time to hopefully answer some of your nagging questions about the KP-15 and WWSD 2020 rifle.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 48: Podcasts For Your Dad

Happy belated Father’s Day everyone and welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 48. Most of our dads, are responsible for us getting into guns. My dad introduced me to guns at a young age and taught me the basics of safety, proper marksmanship principles, and also the importance of the 2nd Amendment. As a former citizen of another country that had gone through a pretty severe restriction of gun rights during his lifetime, immigrating to the United States and becoming familiar with the 2nd Amendment spoke to my dad in a way that I don’t think many other people can honestly share and he made it a point to share that same sentiment with me as I grew up. I’ve gathered a number of podcasts today on these subjects and hopefully, both fathers, sons, and daughters can share in these weekly broadcasts to help reaffirm our 2nd Amendment rights and the security and joy that firearms often bring us.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: NRAAM 2022 Recap with Hop and Austin

Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by to check out our NRAAM 2022 recap. Today we’ve got on TFBTV’s Hop and TFB’s Austin to talk a bit about this year’s NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits. Austin, Hop, and I were fortunate enough to be able to go and cover the event for TFB and TFBTV and despite the controversy surrounding the event, we managed to have a great time while getting you guys the latest news and releases from the firearms world. In today’s episode, we talk about some of our favorite guns from the event, what we thought about it and how it compared to other gun conventions we’ve been to.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 47: There's Always More to Learn

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 47! Podcasts are a great way to expose yourself to new ideas in reference to a subject you’re already interested in. I’ve learned a lot while listening to gun podcasts and I have a very close friend of mine who is a dedicated gun podcast listener as well who draws a lot of knowledge from them just as I do. I think it’s worth mentioning that while I do gain a lot of knowledge from these podcasts, I don’t always agree with everything that is said, and having them posted here isn’t always an endorsement of the information but rather an olive branch to fellow gun nerds out there who may enjoy the content more than I would. We’re fortunate enough in this modern age to have access to not only a wide variety of firearms, but also a wide variety of opinions from pundits whose skills, experiences, and knowledge far surpass our own – for free. Just food for thought as we go into this week’s set of episodes for TFB Podcast Roundup 47.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Woodland Brutality with Karl Kasarda & Russell Phagan

Shooting competitions are some of the most fun you can have with your firearms. In particular, two-gun action challenge matches are a great way for you to not only enjoy your firearms in a competitive and fast-paced environment but also allow you to test your limits and learn more about where your stand in terms of competency with your firearms. An extension of the Two Gun Action Challenge Match is InRangeTV’s series of “Brutialty Matches.” These matches further the idea by providing shooters with multiple divisions that often feature manually operated firearms, require a full set of armor and ruck gear, or even allow you to test your limits with full-auto submachine guns if you’re brave enough. I recently attended Woodland Brutality 2022 where I was able to compete in the Armored +P Division and while we had met before, I was also able to speak with Karl Kasarda of InRangeTV, and Russell Phagan of KE Arms who have both served as match directors at these events. Today we’ve got both of them on the podcast to talk a bit more about what Woodland Brutality and other InRangeTV Brutality matches entail. Make sure to check back at TFB soon for a full review and overview of this year’s Woodland Brutality 2022 match.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 46: Onward Into the Summer Heat!

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 46! Summer is just a few short weeks away and for us, southerners, that means intense heat, lots of pollen, and probably a few well-deserved weekends by the pool with a nice cold brew. If you’ve got no one else to talk to about gun stuff when you’re lounging out on the deck of your favorite pool then you might need something to listen to. There is no shortage of hot firearms topics that many of our favorite podcasting friends have to talk about and this week we’re bringing you some of those hot topics, some practical advice, and some more great stories from the folks over at the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast – fast becoming one of my favorites to listen to for their analytical look at defensive shooting situations.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: A Drink With The C&G Holsters Crew

SHOT Show 2022 is long gone now but the memories and relationships we develop at these firearms conventions often last much longer than the week-long show itself. While at the infamous circle bar in the lobby of the Venetian hotel, I ran into Nate also known as “Doc” who worked for C&G Holsters. We got to talking and turns out he’s a pretty cool guy as well as a veteran of the armed forces, as are many of his fellow coworkers. Fast forward a couple of months and I decided to have them on for a casual chat about themselves, their experiences within the armed forces, and of course, a bit about their product lineup and what separates it from other Kydex holsters on the market.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 45: More Podcasts For Your Listening Pleasure

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 45. This week we’re going to be hearing from some of my favorite podcasters out there. We’ve got some good gun grips from IraqVeteran8888, some silencer talk with The Concealed Taco Dudes Podcast, and of course a new episode of the TFB B-Side podcast featuring one of our newer writers John B! Please sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s selection of gun podcasts.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Hollywood Guns & Knives with TFB Writer John B

Hollywood has at best what I would call a tenuous relationship with the firearms industry. Much of the content that Hollywood puts out is often the inspiration for many potential young gun owners even if it’s not the intent. When I was a child, I distinctly remember wanting to have guns from specific movies like Terminator 2, Heat, and The Way of the Gun, just to name a few. However, despite the popularity of firearms on the silver screen, the attitude within the walls of many production studios and corporate board rooms remains negative towards guns as well as knives. To get an insider’s perspective on this odd dichotomy that resides within Hollywood we’re bringing on TFB Writer John B to talk a little bit about how guns and knives (Johns’s favorite subject) are viewed by people within the film industry. In addition to the main subject, this is also a good opportunity for the rest of you, readers here at TFB, to get to know the personality and background of John. Please welcome John B to the show!

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TFB Podcast Roundup 44: Miami Shootout and Old Guns

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 44. Podcasting and listening to podcasts have exposed me to many new ideas within the firearms world. Big names like Tom Gresham have some pretty lengthy podcasts that are always a welcome notification when I find myself on 2+ hour long flights. Although I may not stay awake for the entire run of some of these shows, I’ve still managed to absorb some of the information that is being spoken to me in my semi-lucid hours, and once again, I’m just grateful that there is a lot of good gun content out there from people who are more experienced, more educated, and more articulate than I am when it comes to firearms and their litany of uses. This week I’ve gathered a few new episodes from some of our most frequented podcasts as well as a completely new one from the guys over at the Old School Guns Podcast. As always, sit back, relax, and enjoy some good old firearms listening.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: TANDEMKROSS History with Jake and Bryan

Last week on the TFB Podcast we heard from fellow writer Tim C. Many of you got a kick out of his old but true-to-form TEC-9 photo and although it is an iconic firearm in many respects, its one that I actually haven’t had any experience with and that photo Tim sent us inspired me to try and find one to get some trigger time with – thanks Tim for the unintended suggestion. This week we’re changing gears a bit and talking with Jake and Bryan about TANDEMKROSS history. Since Jake and Bryan are the founders of TANDEMKROSS we have access to the direct source for all information regarding the company, its founding, product history, and what is to come down the pipeline in 2022. If you’re a fan of rimfire guns then this should be a great episode for you! Sit back, relax, and welcome Jake and Bryan to the program!

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TFB Podcast Roundup 43: Double Actions, Rangefinders, and AKs

Hello and welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 43. This week we’re getting back to a wider variety of subjects and tops from some of our favorite online podcasts. This week we’re featuring a newer writer for TFB, Tim C to talk about AK stuff and we’ve also got a good amount of episodes focusing on micro single action guns, double-action firearms, and a new set of laser rangefinders recently released by Vortex Optics. In the next couple of weeks, we have NRAAM to look forward to which should be full of new firearms, ammunition, and gear releases, and since 2022 has already shaped up to be a great year for guns, I’m pretty optimistic about NRAAM featuring some zingers when it comes to gun releases. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s selection of gun listening.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: AK Talk with TFB Writer Tim C

Hey guys and thanks for tuning in to check out another episode of the TFB B-Side Podcast. In the last episode of TFB B-Side Podcast, we had on special guest Vladimir Onokoy and as always he is a treat to have on the show for his vast wealth of knowledge and experience in regards to foreign-made guns and I have to say I really enjoyed our chat about the various firearms manufacturing sectors of Pakistan. If you haven’t listened to that one yet, you can check it out using the links below. This week we have another TFB writer, this time our newest writer Tim C. Tim C came to us from the TFB Discord channel and is an aficionado of everything AK-related. Tim is a generally jovial and upbeat guy and his passion for firearms really shows through (especially in the Discord). I’m pleased to have him on to talk about his favorite guns which include some really weird ones that most people would probably never even think of when it comes to popular firearms. Please give a warm welcome to Tim as we learn more about him in this episode of the TFB B-Side Podcast!

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TFB Podcast Roundup 42: Angstadt Arms, and Gun Girls

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 42! Guns have been considered by many to be the “great equalizer”. President Ronald Regan is often quoted as saying this in reference to the 2nd Amendment and the rights of the citizens of this country. In that quote he specifically says “The gun has been called the great equalizer, meaning that a small person with a gun is equal to a large person…”. This can be taken in a number of ways but what got me thinking about it is the inherent differences between men and women as well as the large array of age groups that keep and conceal firearms on their person. While firearms can often be looked at as a “boy’s hobby,” in recent years there has been a rapidly increasing number of women taking interest in firearms and their associated sports, training classes, and best methods. So this week we’re featuring podcasts that mostly feature women in them in addition to our weekly recap of the TFB Podcast.

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TFB Behind The Gun Podcast Episode #42: Rich Angstadt

Angstadt Arms is well known for its high-quality personal defense-oriented firearms. Although most of their guns fetch a high price, Angstadt Arms is often well worth the price of purchase if you’re looking for a “buy once cry once” type of platform and today we’re showcasing a great interview between our Editor in Chief Pete and the man himself – Rich Angstadt. In this episode of TFB Behind The Gun podcast, Pete and Rich talk about the new Angstadt Arms roller delayed blowback PCC, the MDP, and some of the struggles and hurdles they’ve had to overcome to bring it to market since its announcement during SHOT Show 2020. For those curious, the MDP-9 still isn’t quite out yet but quality takes time. Angstadt Arms has released a public announcement regarding the new roller delayed gun on their Facebook page if you’d like more information.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB's Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 41. By now, some of you will have already heard our recent podcast conducted with TFB Writer Vladimir Onokoy. Once again I’d like to thank Vlad for sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience with all of us and also encourage all of you firearms nerds out there to give it a listen as I think it demonstrates a very unique evolution of a foreign firearms industry that normally doesn’t get a lot of attention. In addition to that podcast featured further down in this article, we’ve also got a few CCW-oriented podcasts surrounding some decisions you have to make for yourself when it comes to carrying concealed. I’d really like to hear your thoughts on those down in the comments with regards to how you carry (modified, not modified, big handgun or small handgun, etc). Finally, we’ve got some very good information on the differences between the M16, M4, and AR-15 from the Vortex Nation Podcast and another short episode from them about the use of binoculars with eyeglasses. I don’t wear eyeglasses myself but I’ve got lots of friends who do and this was a pretty eye-opening episode for me (pun definitely intended). Enjoy this week’s episodes everybody!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Pakistani Firearms with TFB Writer Vladimir Onokoy

TFB has a wide variety of writers on hand that span the entire globe. One writer I’ve followed closely even before I joined the TFB team has been fellow writer Vladimir Onokoy. Vladimir has a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to the guns of Europe and specifically the guns of the Middle East and Pakistan. While Vladimir was in Pakistan, he had a chance to tour their extremely varied firearms manufacturing facilities and as a result, he has a strong grasp of the current situation of the Pakistani firearms industry. Today he’s going to share his insight, experience, and thoughts on Pakistani firearms, the places they come from, and what he thinks the Pakistani firearms industry is going to be getting into in the coming years.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 40. The firearms industry is quite an interesting place to me. Before I ever started writing for TFB, I basically only ever looked at firearms through the lens of self-defense, hunting, and mag dumping into the trash at the local clay pit. Working for TFB has greatly expanded the world of firearms to me and gun-oriented podcasts have expanded it even further. Books are great reference material but with most people these days having busy schedules and reading during commutes being highly looked down upon, podcasts just fill a gap that a formal class or presentation would normally fill for those looking to seek after the knowledge of others. With all that being said, this week’s podcast roundup will feature a wide variety of subject matter ranging from the updated ATF eForms process, guiding guests at your local gun range, a good talk about pocket pistols, and of course, another chance to check out our homegrown podcast, where we talk with Richie with Expansion Industries about their brand new primer production facility, focused on getting primers back in the hands of handloaders.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: New Primers? Richie with Expansion Industries

Those who reload will know all too well the struggles we’ve faced over the last couple of years when it comes to finding primers for our home-rolled ammunition. Near the start of the global pandemic, a combination of factors led to a bum-rush on reloading components and while projectiles, powder, and press remained more or less plentiful, primers almost became extinct except for extremely inflated deals from predatory scalpers and of course primers going directly from the big four primer manufactures to all of the big ammunition plants. Enter Expansion Industries – a new dog in the fight. A while back we covered the announcement about their new primer production facility but many of you remained skeptical that Expansion Industries would just follow the same path that the big four did – ignoring customers like you and me and just focusing on large corporate contracts. Today our guest Richie Smissen, one of the three co-owners of the family-owned Expansion Industries is here to alleviate your fears about the company’s goals, motives, and mission statement. Wondering where they got the funding to start up their production? Listen in and learn! After speaking with him about his company, their story, and what they want to do, I think you’ll all be excited to hear what he has to say.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 39: Talking about Bad Habits

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 39! I hope everyone’s Easter was nice and peaceful and you could get out to the range to blow away some peeps (the candy not people)! Since moving back to Tennessee I’ve been trying my hardest to improve my skills across the board when it comes to firearms handling and marksmanship. I consider myself to be a below-average pistol shooter and it’s been quite the struggle to become proficient with just one gun since I am constantly handling and shooting a wide variety of handguns for reviews. However, that’s not an excuse on my part, and a couple of recent podcasts I’ve listened to demonstrate that there really are ways you can make significant improvements in your performance if you’re willing to put in the time and effort and also have a good piece of humble pie every once in a while. So today for TFB Podcast Roundup 39, I’ll share a few of those podcasts with you in the hopes that they can inspire you to improve your skills no matter how good you think you are.

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TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #41: Mike Pappas at SHOT 2022

You all know him, you all love him, and he’s back again on the TFB Behind The Gun Podcast – Mr. Mike Pappas from Dead Air Silencers! It’s always a treat when we get to hear from one of the great legends of the suppressor business and today Mike shares with our host Pete and the rest of us some great stories about himself, and the suppressor industry you’ve probably never heard before. SHOT Show 2022 was a breath of fresh air for the entire firearms industry and I think that energy shows through in this episode that was recorded right on the SHOT Show floor. If you’ve ever listened to Mike on our podcast or his own podcast before, I don’t think I have to tell you what to expect – just enjoy the show!

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TFB Podcast Roundup 38: Practicality and Gunfighting

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 38! Some recent news has got a lot of people inside the firearms world talking about concealed carry more intently. Most of you here are probably of the same mindset as I am in that going armed in a discreet manner everywhere you go is probably a good idea. However, I’ve never been in a defensive situation where I needed to use a gun and I sincerely hope I’ll never have to. However, there are lots of people out there who have first-hand experience with life-threatening situations and people with a wealth of knowledge in regards to concealed carry setups as well as what works and doesn’t work when it comes to CCW applications. Today on TFB Podcast Roundup 38, we’ll be taking a look at a handful of episodes revolving around practical concealed carry firearms, the mindset that goes into carrying concealed as well as a few other not-so topical podcasts if you’ve had your fill of concealed carry listening. As always, sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s lineup of shows!

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Dave & Tony With the Modern American Rimfire Series

Rimfire PRS (Rimfire Precision Rifle Series) shooting is fast becoming one of the most popular shooting sports in America. Not only does the sport have a lower upfront cost for most shooters, but the series also invites newer and less experienced shooters to the fun with its fun and friendly environment. In that same vein, Dave and Tony with the Modern American Rimfire Series (MARS) club have gone above and beyond to bring more and more shooters into the sport and MARS has now expanded to cover nearly half the country and is becoming more and more organized as members start to join in greater numbers. If you’re curious about MARS or rimfire PRS shooting competitions, this podcast is just for you.

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