Breda's New 930i Sporting Clays 12 Gauge at NRA 2016

Italian gunmaker Breda was at the show with a modest booth, showing off their new 930i sporting clays shotgun. Breda’s representative explained that the goal of the shotgun was to create a semi automatic sporting clays shotgun that could compete and win out of the box, with no modifications or customization.

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New Models in Winchester Super X3 Line

Winchester Repeating Arms announced several additions to the company’s Super X3 line of semi automatic shotguns. The two new additions to the line are called the Super X3 Ultimate Sporting Adjustable and the Super X3 Composite Sporting Carbon Fiber.

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Guns Around The World, Including Many I had Never Seen Before, at DSA 2016 (Photos)

UPDATE: See more photos at Lionel posts for  DSA 2016 and for  DEFEXPO 2016

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How NOT to go about handgun shooting

In a video put on the internet in 2015, and with over 500,000 views in Brazil, we have a classic walk through on how not to go about the proper fundamentals of handgun marksmanship. I will give the Brazilian police shooter credit in that she kept the firearm pointed downrange at all times. However, that is about the only proper thing she did right. From being unable to engage her target from the standing, then the kneeling, she goes into the prone. Once in the prone, she uses trigger fingers from both hands on the trigger to discharge the firearm. I’m not sure the concept of recoil was familiar to her that day, but thereafter I’m sure she learned her lesson when the recoiling handgun was sent flying back into her forehead, giving her a solid cut and making her bleed.

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Spreading Ashes, via a 12 gauge?

In 2011 we reported on a company called Holy Smoke, LLC that offers  a service wherein a family could have their ashes spread via reloaded ammunition. The company takes in your deceased loved ones ashes, and loads them into approximately 250 shotgun shells, 100 rifle rounds, or 250 handgun rounds. Although this news report did not go through that company, the report is about a family who recently had their loved one loaded into 50 shotshells, and fired off the shells at the trap and skeet range that the loved one favorited.

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Barrett Firearms Factory Tour

The Barrett “Light Fifty” is probably one of the most iconic firearms in the world, along with the Kalashnikov, Desert Eagle, and the M16. The M82/M82A1/M107/M107A1 is unique in that it occupies a spot that very few other modern designs have even been able to compete with. That of a .50 BMG anti material rifle, the brainchild of a man who simply wanted to build a .50 caliber rifle because he couldn’t have an M2 machine gun. Indeed, when Ronnie Barrett, a professional photographer first proposed the idea to a fellow in the gun industry, all he got was, “If this was a viable idea, it would have been invented already”. Ronnie said no, and went on to create a stamped sheet metal semi automatic rifle that changed the way much of the free world’s armies work at long range precision shooting.

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Firearms Food for Thought: The Best Long Gun for Home Defense

When it comes to home defense, your idea of sleeping well at night might just be a pistol within arm’s reach. Then again, you might be among those who favors long guns for home defense (or perhaps you do both). If you do utilize a long gun, do you have a preference?

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Why You Shouldn't Use .410 Shotshells for Defense

The Taurus Judge is not the first .410 caliber revolving shotgun-handgun hybrid, but it has been by far the most successful pistol of its kind. Despite being a heavy, bulky weapon that holds a mere 5 rounds, the Judge can be found in most well-stocked gun stores, and its suitability for personal protection has become a hotly debated topic on internet forums.

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Firearms Food for Thought: Does the Shooter Make the Gun, Or…?

It’s an argument that’s been knocked back and forth at more than one 3-gun event or hunting cabin: does the shooter make the gun, or does the gun make the shooter? Or, in other words, can a subpar or average shooter be made into a superstar with the assistance of a high-end gun (and high-end optics)? Can a skilled marksman coax a stellar performance out of just any gun and/or optic, regardless of quality?

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FIME Group To be Exclusive Importer of Molot

The FIME Group has announced a long-term Agreement with The famed Russian MOLOT Oruzhie factory as the “exclusive importer for the North American market.” In addition, the FIME group will also serve as the US service and warranty center.

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Historical cache of firearms seized in Britain

I don’t usually read The Daily Mail for its authentic and informative stories about the world, but some pretty interesting stuff does sometimes come out of it. Such as this story about a British parish council chairman in Suffolk who amassed over five hundred firearms in his house. We a story earlier back about an American in California who had thousands of firearms confiscated from him when he died, and in a similar case, this British gentleman passed away before any legal ramifications could be had for him. Comparing gun ownership in Britain to the U.S., that’s alot of firearms! Apparently most of them were illegally owned, but I’ve got a hunch that there might be more to the story than this. This might be a long stretch, but I’m willing to hedge a small bet, that the overwhelming majority of these “firearms” were actually deactivated. Although the problem is that I can’t see any evidence to support this in the pictures, and it doesn’t say so throughout the article. What makes me say this, is that the guy has over five hundred firearms, but apparently not a single round of live ammunition. The report claims that there were “200,000” rounds of ammunition also found, but in all the pictures of this “ammunition”, they either show just bullets without shells, or shells without bullets/powder/primers. Knowing English gun laws are extremely strict, I wouldn’t put it past the police to simply say these were firearms, because maybe they had been deactivated in the 1990s or so, but hadn’t followed any of the additional deactivation laws. For more information on this, see my article on the London Proof House. But essentially, Britain has passed a number of deactivated firearms laws, and with each law, the deactivated firearm has to be brought up to standard, by filling the barrel with lead, or slotting the chamber, or any other such method. Maybe this guy had all these deactivated guns, and just got tired of following each new law, and thus simply didn’t. Because I can’t see how even illegally, one has a huge amount of firearm

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Gun Safes: Just How Strong Is Yours?

Gun safes have been on our minds as of late thanks to a recent rush of said safes on the market. Among those recently announced: Winchester’s 150th Anniversary safe and Realtree’s under-the-bed and stackable safe. Just how theft-proof is your safe? Unfortunately for one Missouri gun owner, it wasn’t enough.

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New Trulock Choke Tube for Hog Hunters

In the hunting world there tend to be some fairly fiercely-held beliefs when it comes to the rifles-versus-shotguns argument. While there are pros to each, there’s one way to bring some rifle fans into the shotgun-loving camp: make a better choke tube. Or at least that’s the way to get some hog hunters using shotguns next time they’re going out after a big boar. Trulock has decided to make that happen.

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Winchester's 150th Anniversary Safe

Winchester was founded in 1866 and as you all know the legendary company is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. That celebration kicked off at SHOT and will be continuing throughout the year. Next on the celebration agenda is an anniversary safe which was part of the company’s booth at SHOT Show this past January.

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[SHOT 2016] Fostech Shotgun

Oleg Volk produced a Youtube video with Fostech’s Origin 12, 12 gauge shotgun, shooting through a suppressor, and a drum. It was all over the internet in days and we got a chance to check out the shotgun while at SHOT. Fostech is a family run business that takes its name from the founders last name, Foster.  They make a number of AR related parts in addition to the Origin 12 shotgun, such as bumpfire stocks, triggers, and complete AR lowers. However their shotgun has been around for a couple of years and is available in either NFA Short Barrel Shotgun or legal barrel lengths. Essentially it is an extremely modified Kalashnikov action with a number of changes.

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