Featured Deals of the Week – 10/18/19

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, I know you all just saw me on Monday but it’s back to our regularly scheduled Friday programming. As always please leave a comment if you want me to go hunt for a particular type of deal.

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Pawn Shop Finds – The Magnum Research Mountain Eagle

When looking around at different pawn shops around the state, I always think it’s amazing what I find. One of the best purchases I’ve made was the Magnum Research Mountain Eagle. This rarity was on the shelf for $150 originally and after some negotiation, I managed to talk the guy down to $119.99. Now I will be honest, if this was a brand new production gun I probably wouldn’t have touched it. This gun looks like its seen better days but it’s the subtle Magnum Research styling cues that I love the most.

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Featured Deals – Columbus Day Edition

Hello my half a dozen faithful readers. I know you were all just utterly ambivalent when you didn’t see a DOTW post last Friday. But have no fear! It’s a special edition for Columbus Day and the first day of Sukkot for any other Jewish gun owners out there. Chag sameach (happy holidays)!

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Featured Deals of the Week – 10/4/19

Hello again everyone, it’s that time of the week again. Assume the position. Wallets out, credit cards maxed, it’s gun deals time.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 9/27/19

What is up my fellow firearms enthusiasts. It’s Benjamin F coming at you pre-written with another Featured Deals of the Week. As always please lock your seatbacks in the upright position before breaking open your wallets.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 9/20/19

It’s that time of the week again boys and girls. Break out your piggy banks and get ready to sacrifice some savings. Here’s a bunch of gun deals.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 9/13/19

Hello and welcome back to another Featured Deals of the Week. I’m your host, Benjamin F, and this is the “I just got back from vacation” edition of DOTW.

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THE DAILY WORKER: TFB's Top Labor Day Deals – AK47 – SKS – Tools

Good afternoon, Comrade. Please do not stop working – this public service announcement can be reviewed with time made available while waiting in the rations line. As we announce our list of Labor Day Deals, we’d like to remind everyone that you are only entitled to personal items that coincide with your abilities as well as your needs. For example, if you are unable to successfully operate an AK47, you are not permitted to take part in any of the below-listed merchant’s (capitalist pigs) sales offers. Likewise, if you already own three or four functional rifle magazines, you will not be permitted to purchase additional ammunition feeding devices. The people thank you for your cooperation.

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Pawn Shop Finds – The Interesting $144.99 9mm Glock 22

This week I was hanging out in Detroit which I try not to do very often, but when I’m there I always go into local gun shops. On his particular day, it was a rundown shop that would probably look more at home in a third world country than an inner-city area. The attendants buzzed me in which is always a great sign, Once I was buzzed in, I began my search for the perfect used gun.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 8/16/19

Alright folks, you know the drill. Wallets out, card balances paid off, let’s have another Featured Deals of the Week. As always let me know in the comments if you want me to go find some deals that just aren’t making it into the list for whatever reason.

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Keep Your Pants On – Top Deals In Ultimate Rimfire Fun

When it comes to pure fun, rimfire shooting is about as good as it gets without getting naked. Well, I guess if you have a private range you can do both, just make sure to keep your barrel holstered and pointed down range before firing. Moving on, I’ve expressed my love of rimfire (especially suppressed) multiple times in the past. Besides being affordable, there is less recoil to manage, less ear-splitting noise and multiple platforms are chambered in the popular .22LR. Besides, summertime is prime for a bit of rimfire fun.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 8/9/19

Welcome back to another Featured Deals of the Week. As usual, I’m your host Benjamin F. Please leave a comment if you want to see any kinds of deals that I’m not including.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 7/26/19

Welcome back to another Featured Deals of the Week, I’m your host Benjamin F, and as always, please let me know in the comments if you want to see more of any type of deals. Last week someone asked to see more reloading supplies, and I’ve been keeping my eye out ever since.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 7/19/19

It’s your boy Benjamin F coming at you pre-written with another Featured Deals of the Week. I am cutting it way too close to the publishing deadline this week, so I’m going to be really salty if any of these deals get sold out before Sunday. As always please leave a comment if you want to see more of any kind of deals and I will do my best to find one and bring it to the post.

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TFB Featured Deals of the Week – 7/12/19

Welcome back to another Featured Deals of the Week, I’m your host Benjamin F. As always please let me know in the comments if you want to see more of any kind of deal.

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Pawn Shop Finds – What Will $65.00 Buy You?

Recently, I have been accused of being an “elitist” and a “gun snob” in the comment section of various articles.  I will be the first person to admit I love my share of high quality and functional firearms. After some reflection, I figured I would go out of my comfort zone for the reader’s entertainment. I hit a dozen gun stores in search of the cheapest, cringeworthy, and downright interesting gun I could find. I will occasionally go on a gun store tour in my area and hit every gun store I know of in a 100-mile radius. It gives me a chance to talk with various people selling guns in my area and sometimes even gives me ideas for writing. This time around I took a friend and we decided to look for the cheapest option we could find.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 7/5/19

Featured Deals of the Week – Immediately posted after the “Down with the Crown” Day.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 6/28/19

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming. I’m your host, Benjamin F, and these are the Featured Deals of the Week. I have read your comments, and I know that a lot of people are upset that deals end up sold out after only being on here for a brief period of time. I have begun reaching out to vendors after I find their deals, to try and make sure there’s sufficient inventory available. However, these articles are prepared a day before they go live, and online retailers move inventory very quickly.

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Featured Deals of the Week - 6/21/19 - YEET Edition

Welcome to another “ Featured Deals of the Week!” This week is extra special because I am not your regularly scheduled deals writer and we are going to cover everything YEET! If you are wondering What in the good Lord does Yeet even mean? We can assure you, you are not alone. Our own TFB staff spent a surprising amount of time Googling, hunting through Urban Dictionary, and asking some of our youngest staff members what this verb/noun that is sweeping the internet means. Essentially, it’s your 2019 do-all word. It can be used to exclaim excitement, surprise, and nervousness. It can also be used as a verb in the fashion that you lob or throw something like an axe, a football, or a bullet.

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TFB FOURTH OF JULY: The Best Of American Guns And Gear

Finally, summer has arrived, and we can start the long slide from the longest day of the year down to the shortest. In the meantime, let’s all enjoy a nice dose of humidity, a helping of mosquitoes and those noisy pool parties put on by your idiot neighbor. “I asked you to keep it down, Stan!” Sorry, can you tell that I am already looking forward to the Fall harvest? Anyway, even with the bugs, heat and handyman projects, the Fourth of July is one of the highlights of the year. When else can you launch exploding rockets in your back yard? In the spirit of 1776, I thought it might be appropriate to suggest some American guns and gear that you can purchase leading up to our Independence Day – suck it United Kingdom. (Kidding, thank you for your friendship and support.)

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Featured Deals of the Week – 6/14/19

Hello and welcome to another Featured Deals of the Week. As always please let me know in the comments if you want to see any types of deals that you haven’t been seeing.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 6/7/19

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Featured Deals of the Week. As always leave a comment letting me know if you want to see more or less of any kind of product in the deals posts.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 5/24/19

Ding uhhhh this is your captain speaking. We’re uhhhhhh cruising at about an altitude of uhhhhh twenty-four thousand feet and uhhhhh we’ll be landing at Gun Deals International Airport in uhhhh fifteen or so minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and let me know in the comments if you want to see more or less of any type of deals.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 5/17/19

Welcome back to another Featured Deals of The Week. I’m your host Benjamin, and as always please leave a comment if you want to see more or less of any certain type of deals.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 5/10/19

Welcome back to another Deals of the Week post everyone. As always let me know in the comments if you want to see more or less of a specific type of deal.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 4/26/19

Hey all, welcome to another Featured Deals of the Week. As always, please let me know in the comments if you want to see more or less of any type of product in the deals.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 4/12/19

Welcome back to another weekly deals post. As always feel free to let me know in the comments if you want to see more deals of one kind of thing or another.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 4/5/19

Welcome to this week’s featured deals of the week post. As always if you want to see a deal, or more or less of another kind of deal, leave a note in the comments.

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The Great California Magazine Rush

In the wake of Judge Benitez’s decision to overturn the California magazine capacity restriction, online retailers have been flooded by Californians now suddenly eager to buy standard capacity magazines. So without further ado, here are the retailers currently shipping 10+ round magazines to California.

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Featured Deals of the Week – 3/29/19

Another Deals of the Week post back again! As always if there are deals, you want to see more, less, or any of please do not hesitate to let me know in the comments.

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