TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 22: Cyber Monday Madness

Hello everyone and welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 22. Since this series is less than a year old, we’ve never come across a time where we usually see pretty heavily discounted items. Amazon is well known for having a pretty great Black Friday and Cyber Monday so for this week’s deals round-up I’ve decided to list out a few items initially that I think would make for great stocking stuffers (don’t lie to me, I know you’re still Christmas shopping) and then I’ll update the article throughout the day with deals I find. You’ll have to be quick because I’m sure there will be some lightning deals in there that you’ll miss out on if you don’t check back frequently. Happy hunting everyone!

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 21: Gun Guy Stocking Stuffers Under $100

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 21. As we close in on the holiday season, I’m sure everyone is working towards getting all of their early Christmas shopping done to beat the Black Friday and Cyber Monday rushes. While some of the biggest deals of the year happen right around Black Friday, sometimes the stress of the mad rush to get those hotly discounted items can be more of a hassle than a way to save on holiday deals. Today for TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 21 I wanted to provide everyone with a nice short list of items that would make for great stocking stuffers in case you’re looking for a few items you can pass along to friends, coworkers, and acquaintances who you want to gift for the holiday season. Let’s get started. Almost all of these items are less than $100 so you should be able to pick up a couple of them to fill those gaps in your holiday gift-giving list.

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Black November Roundup 2: Time to Get a New Gun Safe

Welcome to Black November Roundup 2. This week I’ve gathered a bunch of deals that feature sales on in-stock firearms, ammunition, accessories, and even clothing. As a gun owner, I’ve never quite “downscaled” my collection of firearms since I’ve started buying them. There are some guns in my collection that I probably haven’t shot in well over a year and despite that, I refuse to sell any of them. With the deals that we are seeing this year on firearms, I’m sure a lot of you are going to have to invest in a new gun safe sooner or later with your growing collection of firearms, ammunition, and accessories.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 20: Hop's Top 5 Budget Red Dots (2021)

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 20. Last week our good friend and TFBTV presenter Hop went over his 2021 list for the top 5 budget-minded red dots. Red dots are a great way to get a bit more utility out of your rifle and faster target acquisition over iron sights and while there are much better and more durable red dots out there on the market, sometimes we have to work within a tight budget (especially around the holidays). Since Hop brought out his list, I thought it prudent to put together a listing for you guys of some of his Top 5 Red Dot ist. If you haven’t checked out his video on his Top 5 Budget Red Dots yet, you can check it out down below. For the rest of you, enjoy the deals and pick yourself up an early Christmas gift for one of the eight rifles you haven’t told your wife about yet. If you’re into budget-priced firearms, accessories, and optics, Hop is your man and speaks to the poor man that lives inside all of us. Check out more of his videos down below:

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Black November Roundup 1: Kicking Off Early Black Friday

As we progress through the month of November, nearly every firearms company and ammunition supplier has been priming up customers for their huge Black Friday sales. Since we are still so early in the month, I thought it appropriate to call these weekly roundups “Black November Roundups” since we’ll be picking some of the best deals from each previous week to supplement our mainline Black Friday deals page. I’ve hand-picked a number of great on-sale items that I’ve run into this week as well as some that I just came across this morning. Welcome to Black November Roundup 1. Let’s get started!

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 19: Firearms Hibernation Edition

Welcome to TFB Amazon Deals 19! The winter months provide some pretty unique challenges for gun owners when it comes to keeping them in pristine condition. Unless you have all of your guns religiously Cerakoated or slathered in cosmoline or gun oil, you’ll inevitably wind up exposing them to water, cold air, and just moisture in general. For the most part, moisture is bad for guns and doesn’t help keep them looking pretty so it’s important to store your guns in a secure and climate-controlled location if you plan on putting them up for the winter months as you break out your other shooting implements. Ammunition and reloading components are even more sensitive than firearms during all times of the year so if you’re looking to upgrade your gun storage area or reloading setup we’ve got a few deals this week that I think you’ll find interesting or helpful.

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TFB CYBER MONDAY: Deals for the Tactical Turkey (Updated 11/29)

Happy November everybody! Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday (yes even over Christmas) and it also happens to be one of the best times of the year to pick up sweet deals on guns, ammo, and gear for yourself, your friends, and your loved ones. We have a lot to be thankful for this year as gun owners, despite the current landscape. First off, we’ve seen a whole load of new firearms hit the market including some pretty sweet rimfire rifles and pistols that people have been asking for. Many states across the union have passed constitutional carry laws, HK announced the return of the highly coveted SL8 rifle, the 6th Circuit Court Vacated GOA v Garland ruling that bump stocks are NOT machine guns, and 3D printed firearms have seen more proliferation than ever making firearms accessible and affordable to nearly everybody. The truth is we have more options for arms and accessories than we have ever had in our history as a country and if you’re looking to beef up your or your friend’s collection, you’ll want to take a look at TFB’s collection of Black Friday Deals For The Tactical Turkey.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 18: Weird Gun Accessories and Gear Edition

If anything is worth doing it is also probably worth overdoing… or maybe doing wrong altogether. As much as some of us may love kitting out or guns with cool accessories like grenade launchers, bayonets, aftermarket accessories of all kinds, and of course that sweet sweet Krylon paint job, some people just take it too far in my opinion, and create some of the weirdest and or disturbing gun accessories. Today for TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 18 we are going to take a look at some of the weirdest and disturbing gun accessories I’ve come across on the site and maybe it’ll give a couple of you an opportunity to buy one of your buddies an early Christmas gag gift. Let’s get weird.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 17: Precision Rifle Accessories Edition

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 17. I’ve really been diving deep into the rabbit hole of precision rifle shooting lately and I even have somewhat of a precision rifle headed my way for review shortly. This upcoming review has got me thinking a lot about the various ancillary accessories and tools you might need to get the most out of the popular shooting discipline. So this week I’ve gathered a number of tools and accessories that I’ve come across on Amazon that have either been recommended to me or that I have discovered are useful in aiding your performance during precision rifle shooting sports.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 16: Gifts for Gun Guys Edition

I’m not really one of those people to get too far ahead of myself when it comes to gift-giving holidays but I do always like to keep a list of things that I think people would like. Gun people happen to be some of the hardest people to shop for in my opinion, mostly because everyone kinda has their own thing going on, and it’s really hard to gauge what would make a good gift for them specifically. On the other side of things, most gun people tend to already have the things they want and the things they don’t have, well let’s just say I’m not made of money. This week for TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 16, I have collected a number of items that make for great gifts no matter what that special gun person in your life is into. Let’s dive in.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 15: Can't Stop The Signal Edition

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 15. If you know what “ Can’t stop the signal” means, then feel free to skip the intro and get to look at the deals we’ve found this week. For the rest of you, the phrase “can’t stop the signal” comes from one of my favorite TV Shows/Movies of all time – Firefly. In the movie that came out after the TV show, the character  Mr. Universe is a techno-geek who is obsessed with disseminating information that the shows/movies’ main antagonists (an overreaching centralized government) didn’t want citizens of the Alliance to know. 3D printers are often tech-geeks themselves and since the inevitable blending of firearms and 3D printing, many 3D gun printers have used the term “can’t stop the signal” as a way to flaunt that despite their best efforts, there really is almost nothing you can do to stop the dissemination of 3D printed parts plans. So this week, in honor of our 3D printing friends and allies, I’ve gone and found some great deals on 3D printing supplies, tools, and machines to hopefully get more of you started down this same path.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 14: Steel Targets Edition

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 14. Targets can be fun. I grew up shooting a whole bunch of different “reactive” targets like soda cans, empty shotgun hulls, bowling pins, and just about any other piece of junk that could be cleaned up reasonably easily after we were done shooting. One thing I didn’t get a chance to shoot until I was much older was steel. After my first experience shooting steel, I was in love and to this day, it absolutely remains my favorite thing to shoot – there’s just something satisfying about ringing steel, no matter what type of firearm it is. For this week’s Amazon deals, I’ve gathered a lineup of some on-sale steel targets for a variety of types of ammunition and I’ve also included some deals that will help you hang those targets at the range. Let’s get started with this week’s Amazon deals.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 13: Budget Home Defense Shotgun Edition

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 13. For the last couple of months, James over at TFBTV has been going through a pretty extensive series of videos centered around shotguns. Although perhaps slightly less favored than handguns or rifles for home defense or tactical situations, the shotgun is often the first thing many people gravitate towards when they are thinking of home defense solutions. This week for our TFB Amazon deals, I’ve gone through some of the items that James has mentioned in his videos and found some that happen to be on sale. I’ve also found a few other deals on aftermarket shotgun accessories for those looking to put together a budget home defense shotgun setup. If you haven’t seen any of the previously mentioned videos yet, I’ll link them down below. They are definitely worth checking out!

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 12: Restock on Reloading Supplies Edition

Welcome to TFB weekly Amazon Deals 12. The last year or so has been pretty terrible as far as reloading components and supplies go. Primers disappeared from the shelves for quite some time and are now only just starting to show back up on the shelves in limited quantities. Although things might not be completely back to the way they were before all of this nonsense kicked off, this does mean that reloaders can start to spool back up their reloading presses and also that new reloaders can start to enjoy the hobby as well while supplies start to make their way back onto shelves. Today we’ll take a look at a couple of sale items on Amazon that cover reloading equipment, supplies, and other helpful tools for the hobby. Obviously, Amazon doesn’t sell projectiles, powder, or primers but we can still find a few helpful items on the site.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 11: Pistol Upgrade and Maintenance Edition

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 11. This week we’re going to focus on products found on Amazon that can be used to upgrade or maintain your pistols. A lot of the stuff featured in Sam S’s Armorer’s Bench series can be found on Amazon and with the limited supplies found on store shelves these days, there might be a good opportunity for you guys to restock or add to your home gun maintenance supplies. If you’re looking to get started with firearm maintenance then you should hop on over to Sam’s first article  TFB Armorer’s Bench: 10 Essential Home Armorer/Gunsmith ToolsSam also has a great article on gun bench liquids and many of those can also be found on Amazon. So let’s get started with our items for this week!

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 10: 10/22 Accessories Edition

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 10. This week we’ve got a lineup of 10/22 accessories to look at. The 10/22 is kind of a jack of all trades when it comes to firearms. It’s cheap and fun to shoot but also makes a great small game hunting implement. The 10/22 has been around for close to 60 years now and I’m glad to see the rifle still being modified by end-users as well as Ruger adding new iterations from time to time. There’s nothing wrong with a bone stock 10/22 rifle but my own 10/22 is somewhat of a guinea pig for testing out different types of aftermarket parts, not so much to make the rifle more useful or reliable but more out of just pure morbid curiosity on what said accessories are all about. This week I’ve gathered a few items I think are useful and also happen to be one sale. Enjoy!

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 9: Essential Gear Edition

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 9: Essential Gear Edition. This week I’ve gathered a handful of items that I consider to be “essential” when it comes to shooting or everyday carry duty. We’re lucky enough to have an absolutely staggering amount of high-quality products available to us in the gun industry but it’s always nice to have those things when we also get a bit of a discount (especially during these trying days). This week we’ve got a few lights, a knife, hearing protection, and even some sight-in targets. Are these the only things you’ll be needing at the range? No. However, I find myself using these items more often than not and every item on this list is something I more or less carry with me to the range every time,. Everything else just depends on what kind of shooting I plan on doing for the day.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 8: National Composites Week

Hello and welcome to TFB weekly Amazon Deals 8: National Composites Week. Composites have taken on a big role in the firearms world and continue to do so as the years go by. From carbon fiber handguards, roll-wrapped barrels, and composite rifle stocks, you almost can’t avoid the part of a composite firearm in this day and age, and probably for good reason. This week we’ll be featuring some recent deals I’ve discovered on Amazon that involve composite gun parts as well as a few other odds and ends I found that was interesting.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 7: National Roller Coaster Day

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 7: National Roller Coaster Day. Roller coasters are fun, perhaps not quite as fun as firearms though. However, these days I feel like we are often on a roller coaster within the firearms industry. With items like the Rare Breed FRT-15 being unceremoniously declared a machine gun by the ATF and the current ongoing struggle within the ammunition industry, gun owners seem to always be on the cusp of oblivion. That brings us to the theme of today’s deals – chaos. This particular list really has no rhyme or reason aside from the first item – a torque limiter. I don’t like guessing when it comes to inch/pounds torquing and a lot of manufacturers are specifying the correct torque to apply on just about every gun component  – so it’s great to have a reliable and portable torque limiter with you at the range or at home on the bench.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 6: National Book Lover's Day

Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 6: National Book Lover’s Day! Gun enthusiasts are actually quite lucky when it comes to the amount of reference material we have available to us within the firearms world. Regardless of what your specific niche within the firearms world is, you’re more than likely to be able to find a book that covers that specific topic. Better yet, Amazon started its journey off decades ago by providing bookworms with direct access to books online rather than at their local Barnes & Noble or Books A Million. Amazon has continued that tradition well into today and there are a bunch of gun-related books to be found on the site. This week I’m happy and proud to feature a book that was written by our very own Miles V of TFBTV. Miles’ book,  Into Helmand With the Walking Dead: A Story of Combat in Afghanistan, is all about his and his friend’s experiences during the war in Afghanistan. The book is currently available on the Amazon book store for $17.46 for the hardcover version (normally $36.00). If you’re in the mood for tales of life and combat during the Afghanistan war, I can 100% recommend Miles’ book to you.

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TFB Weekley Amazon Deals 5: National Coloring Book Day Edition

Welcome to TFB Weekley Amazon Deals 5: National Coloring Book Day Edition. Coloring books can do a lot of things for both young and older minds alike. For one, coloring books teach children at an early age to develop fine motor skills with their hands as well as small objects. Research also suggests that coloring for adults can help reduce stress levels and encourage more restful sleep. The folks over at have helped combine the powers of coloring books with fantastic illustrations of firearms from the Advanced Combat Rifle (ACR) program. The Armourer’s Bench coloring books are both highly researched and well put together by TFB Staff Writer Matthew Moss and by Lauren Mcinereny. While they aren’t on Amazon, they are only $10 shipped and they’d make a great gift for any gun lover in your life – just don’t forget the colored pencils. This week’s lineup for Amazon includes some pretty hefty discounts on everyday use range items as well as a budget suggestion from our very own James Reeves for kitting out an inexpensive tactical shotgun.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 4: Grazed by the Apocalypse Edition

2020 and 2021 have and still continue to be a whirlwind of unpredictability and insanity. While we aren’t seeing the poles reversing or Yellowstone erupting and effectively ending the world, we have most assuredly been subjected to some sort of event that has caused the very way in which we conduct our daily lives to be altered for years to come. The events of the last year or so have made me think a lot about preppers and being prepared. I never considered myself to be a prepper but within the last year I’ve purchased cases of water, shelf-stable emergency food, and stocked up on all sorts of things I never would have imagined I’d find myself buying. This week for TFB’s Weekly Amazon Deals 4, we’re going to take a look at the type of stuff you can and should probably be stocking up on or at least have in inventory should we be grazed by the apocalypse once more.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 3: Flight Attendant Safety Professionals' Day

Welcome to Amazon Deals 3. Today is July 19th, 2021 otherwise known as Flight Attendant Safety Professionals’ Day (what a mouthful). As a pilot myself, I have a lot of respect for what these men and women do to support the airline industry. A lot of time, dedication, and training goes into turning these people into more than just walking uniforms that deliver you drinks and snacks. Behind the scenes, flight attendants are a part of an entire flight crew that is incredibly capable of responding and reacting to emergency situations in the blink of an eye. Flight attendants even receive some medical emergency and first-aid training which could save lives at 36,000 feet. So today we’re starting off with an incredibly useful (but not TSA friendly) IFAK kit from MediTac which features a trauma pack, chest seals, and pretty much every essential needed for most medical emergencies. The MediTac kit is currently on sale for $20 off and comes in two different bag colors.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 2: National Etch A Sketch Day

Welcome to Amazon Deals 2! Today is July 12th – National Etch A Sketch Day. What does an Etch-A-Sketch have to do with guns or gun gear? Well, to be completely honest, probably nothing. However, I was looking at one of these toys from my childhood in a store recently and it got me thinking about how fun these simple toys really are. For those who don’t know, the Etch A Sketch simply uses a glass or plastic sheet that gets coated with a very fine aluminum powder and then makes use of a pulley-driven stylus to “etch” an image onto the screen. Like any firearms-obsessed child, I drew plenty of guns, tanks, planes, and knives on my own Etch A Sketch. I spent countless hours on the road drawing every deadly instrument known to man while simultaneously trying not to let our station wagon’s ancient suspension destroy my aluminum powdered works of art.

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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 7/5/21 – National Workaholics Day

Welcome to the first of our weekly TFB Amazon Deals posts. Amazon had a ton of affordable and quality gun gear with some companies like Trijicon, Holosun, Caldwell, and Streamlight all setting up shop with the gigagiant that is Amazon. Today is Monday, July 5th, 2021 – National Workaholics Day. I don’t personally think of myself as a workaholic but I do find myself spending a lot more time thinking about work than I probably should. National Workaholics Day is a day for all of you go-getters to finally take a step back, relax or maybe spend a few hours wasting time on YouTube or BitChute – there are a lot of TFBTV videos on there. Either way, enjoy the deals for the week of 7-5-21 and let others know if you’ve found any great deals on gun gear, equipment, or neat gadgets you might find useful out in the field.

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Banging Independence Day Deals On Guns, Gear, and Accessories

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays. While it is first and foremost a yearly reminder of our independence from colonial rule, it is also a yearly reminder that nothing gets done without a little bit of banging (the explosive kind). Fireworks are great and I’ll be partaking of some of these traditional celebratory explosions myself, but there is also time for the real thing. Firearms are what helped us claim our independence from the Crown and have been the close companion of liberty-loving revolutionaries around the world.

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GET YOUR BRASS IN GEAR: Fantastic Father's Day Firearm Gifts

Our fathers are special people in our lives. Our dads were generally the ones who taught us how to shoot, how to tie our shoes, and how to goof around. Whether it’s your own dad or your father-in-law or your son who has recently become a father, Father’s Day is a great day to show some extra appreciation for one of the most pivotal roles in any child’s life. I don’t know a single father out there who wouldn’t mind getting a nice box of ammo for his favorite rifle or pistol or even a couple of magazines or tools to help round out his collection. This list will be a great place to start if you’re racking your brain looking for some fantastic firearm gifts for the man, the myth, the legend – your father.

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Memorial Day DEALS on Guns and Gear Today Through 5/31

Before we dispense with the traditional Memorial Day Deals posting I’d like to take a moment here to talk a little bit about Memorial Day. This will be a quick reminder of what this federal holiday is all about. Memorial Day-like observances have been going on as far back as the American Civil War era. Both Confederate and Union soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice were honored by their fellow countrymen. While the original Decoration Day was a purely Union memorial tradition for its fallen service members, various Union memorial traditions were eventually merged together and Memorial Day was expanded to honor all Americans who died while serving within United States Military Service.

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COVIDEALS: Black(Death) Friday Through Cyber(pocalypse) Monday 11/30

2020 has been a tornado of a year and as if we haven’t had enough chaos already, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are nearly at our doorstep. Stores all around the country are making announcements that they will in fact be open despite fears surrounding COVID-19. Despite this, you won’t find me crawling over hordes of people for a small chance at a flat-screen TV. However, if you are planning on going out to brave the masses and crowds for Black Friday, you might want to consider gearing up and giving yourself an extra layer of protection. This year we’ve seen everything from mass panic over a viral outbreak, civil unrest (for multiple reasons) and this year marked the first year I actually decided to buy a plate carrier and some armor. Needless to say, despite the huge upfront cost, I feel much better knowing I have some kit ready to go in case I ever actually need it.

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Local Gun Store Out of Stock? How to Buy a Gun Online With Gunbroker

It’s no secret that the gun industry is going through a massive period of high demand right now. Regardless of the reasons for this increase in demand a lot of you are probably looking to buy more guns or perhaps, your first gun. The problem here is that while many more people are buying guns right now, not many are available locally – even at gun shows. The good news is that there are still plenty of guns out there and you can buy them with just a tiny bit of effort  – sometimes at a steal of a price. Today I’ll be going over how to find and purchase a gun online legally with

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