Circle 10 AK Rebrands to CRH Customs

Luke C.
by Luke C.

Most of you will know Circle 10 AK for its lineup of AK parts and firearms. In the past, I’ve owned several magazines that came from Circle 10 AK and I know they have quite the reputation for being the “go-to” place for anything AK-related. Many of you will also know that over the years they have slowly crept into new territory in terms of firearms as the company has grown. It is because of this expansion that Circle 10 AK has now decided to rebrand itself as CRH Customs. This announcement came via a press release on August 14th wherein Luke Williams explained the reason for the rebranding and what he hopes for the future of the company as CRH Customs.

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Circle 10 AK Rebrands to CRH Customs

To our loyal customers:

Over the past decade, you have contributed to the significant growth of this company. We started out at home selling small AK parts and have expanded into manufacturing our own custom parts. It has been quite the ride and we thank every one of you for your trust in our company and for your trust in us.

The Kalashnikov is near and dear to our hearts. We have extensive use with the platform and we absolutely love it. Over the years, we’ve considered expanding our company into other firearms, particularly as you, our customers, have shown interest in expanding your knowledge and use of products beyond the AK. Maybe the AR-15, the G3, the Tavor, CZ rifles, FN – there are many others. It’s a big world out there with firearms, and we want to explore more of it and bring you on that journey with us.

We have been known for many years as Circle 10 AK. It’s time for our name to reflect what we want to accomplish in the firearms industry.

Several years ago, when we first started getting into manufacturing of parts, we worked with a small machine shop under the project name “CRH Customs”. We absorbed CRH Customs into Circle 10 AK, because the AK was the focus at the time.

We’ve come full “Circle”.

We are proud to announce that we will be rebranding as “CRH Customs”, to better reflect the shifting focus into manufacturing and production of parts for firearms. There are already many projects in play for the remainder of 2021 AND well into 2022, for a large variety of parts and firearms.

Over the next few days, we will be working on shifting all Circle 10 AK branded materials over to CRH Customs. The rebranding won’t happen overnight, so there may be a period where you see both names.

You can still reach us through existing channels. Orders will continue to ship as scheduled and business operations remain the same.

Thank you for your continued support, patronage and trust. We invite you to continue your journey with CRH Customs.

I cannot personally vouch as to the quality and consistency of any non-AK parts that Circle 10 AK (CRH Customs) has put out but if their current lineup of AK parts is any metric to go by, I think it is safe to say that the future of the company is in good hands with a good crew. What are your thoughts on this rebranding? What are your experiences with Circle 10 AK? Let us know down in the comments! At the time of writing, the full switch has not been made so not all current social media links still reference Circle 10 AK as does their website.

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Luke C.
Luke C.

Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:

More by Luke C.

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3 of 6 comments
  • D D on Aug 17, 2021

    Yup, take a name known to customers and change it to something no one heard of. Makes sense to me.

    "We are proud to announce that we will be rebranding as “CRH Customs”, to better reflect the shifting focus into manufacturing and production of parts for firearms"

    How does a name change shift the focus? How does changing the name increase profits? It doesn't and it doesn't

  • MarkVShaney MarkVShaney on Aug 17, 2021

    Or, one could say, "They are an American company who for years has traded on the name and reputation if a foreign manufacturer, namely Circle 10."
