POTD: U.S. Marines With The FAMAS In Action

Eric B
by Eric B

Photo Of The Day and we have something rarely seen, a U.S. Marine with the French FAMAS in action. Do you think she wants to keep it or get back to her M27 as soon as possible?

Below you see U.S. Marines with Charlie Company, 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, fire FAMAS rifles during a live-fire range as part of Marara 24 in Tahiti, French Polynesia, May 31, 2024.

“Marara is a multinational training exercise that enhances combined interoperability between the U.S. military and France’s Combined Joint Task Force Headquarters in French Polynesia. The training advances partners’ abilities to address complex and future contingencies throughout the Indo-Pacific.”

Another U.S. Marine using the FAMAS.

If I was used to using a red dot or a low-power optic it would probably take me some time to get used to using irons again.

Enjoy while it lasts, the FAMAS will soon be history.

Photos and captions: U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Willow Marshall.

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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  • Brett Baker Brett Baker on Jul 23, 2024

    Would prefer FAMAS, because Ian has brainwashed me.

  • Tgo85095727 Tgo85095727 on Jul 24, 2024

    I remember when I first shot a FAMAS in 1998 on a sneaking mission to deal with the nuclear walking battle tank Metal Gear on Shadow Moses Island in the Aleutian Islands.
