TFB Review: Simtek StealthALERT System

Matt E
by Matt E

In the world of guns and gear, we often talk about the latest and greatest when it comes to the newest gun products but we talk little about protecting our guns when there are some very clever ways of adding layers of security to your firearms when you’re not around. For the last 6 months or so I have been trying out and testing the Simtek StealthALERT motion detector in my gun safe and after some time with the sensor, I can confidently say I have enough info to bring you guys my thoughts. Let’s take a closer look at the Simtek StealthALERT System.


The StealthALERT is a sensor to detect motion. Although it can be used for a wide variety of situations, I was really interested in throwing one in my gun safe for an extra layer of security. The Simtek StealthALERT has infrared sensors to detect motion, light, and vibrations occurring around it. These sensors allow you to have a real-time update as soon as someone enters or disturbs your safe. The StealthALERT motion sensor works off cellular service instead of being connected to the internet.

The benefit of this is in case your home ever loses power the sensor will still be connected since it independently has its own cell service and battery system. The StealthALERT system runs off a rechargeable CR123 battery that comes with the sensor and can be recharged by plugging the entire sensor in. In terms of accessories, the StealthALERT sensor comes with a charging cable, a small antenna to boost cell service, and a rechargeable battery. Simtek set the MSRP of the StealthALERT motion sensor at $199.99 but currently, it is on sale for $149.99.

Install and Set Up

Opening up the StealthALERT and setting up your sensor is a pretty straightforward process. Simtek developed its own app for the StealthALERT that allows you to create a profile and have everything set up within 10-15 minutes. Once the app is downloaded, this will allow your phone to be notified of any movement from the sensor as well as notifications about low battery or loss of signal. My office area is within the city limits so I don’t really need to use the external antenna but I decided to plug it in just to allow for a healthy signal all the time.

If you live in an area with strong cell service, the internal cell antenna will be more than enough but Simtek encourages people to use the antenna just to ensure a good connection. They even have an upgraded antenna available for people who need an extra boost in signal if they live in rural areas. I recently picked up the upgraded antenna to try at my dad’s ranch out west and it works in remote areas as well. Once set up, the StealthALERT sensor will have free cell data for 30 days before the customer has to purchase a cell data plan. Overall the setup and installation of my sensor were fairly straightforward and within 20 minutes I had everything mounted and ready to go. 

Pros and Cons


When it comes to the benefits of the StealthALERT motion sensor, the fact you can set it up and have everything installed within 20 minutes makes it really easy to just activate and have an extra layer of protection. I’m really glad there’s no camera or anything on the system to allow security while maintaining your privacy. If it had a built-in camera I probably would have passed on it but the fact it only detects movement is a big plus for me personally. In the last 6 months, I have charged the batteries one time for a few hours, and that is all I’ve had to do so it’s pretty low maintenance to keep the system charged and working correctly. The overall size of the StealthALERT is fairly small which allows you to have it in your gun safe without bringing attention to itself or looking out of place.


Although I do love this setup, there are a few things I would change about the StealthALERT system. The biggest issue I have with this system is the fact you pay a decent amount of money for the unit and then have to pay for the monthly data plan not long after. If I were trying to get people excited about these sensors, I would include 3-6 months of data so people can get a feel for how the system works. I don’t think 30 days is honestly enough time to get a good feel for how the system works before having to pay for the data plan. It's only a little over $4.00 a month for the data so I may be nitpicking at small things but it’s one of the only things I would personally change because the monthly trial wasn’t really enough to see if I wanted to purchase the data plan to allow it to work 100%.

Overall Thoughts

This product is an interesting one to me. The vast majority of us have gun safes or cabinets but we have no way to know if they are truly secure when we are away from home. This StealthALERT certainly offers peace of mind when traveling or away from your gun collection. The ability of the sensor to have infrared, light, and motion detection really allows you to be connected and know if anyone is getting into your safe even if you are traveling or away from home. The yearly price of the data package does seem worth it to me and in the future, I plan on continuing to pay for it since the system does work well.

Simtek StealthALERT System

Let me know your thoughts on motion detectors in your gun safe. Is it overkill or do you think it's a good option for people with children? Leave your thoughts down in the comments below. If you have questions about the StealthALERT motion sensor or firearms in general, feel free to shoot me a message on Instagram  @fridgeoperator. Stay safe out there and we will see you in the next one.

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Matt E
Matt E

I'm an avid shooter and love educating whether it's at my job or in the shooting community. I'm an average joe that really loves talking with other people about firearms and other passions.I'm active on Instagram on @fridgeoperator.

More by Matt E

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  • Kevin Kevin on Jul 20, 2024

    Ppl are getting nickel and dimed everywhere nowadays with companies wanting the reoccurring monthly fees. I don’t see ppl wanting to keep paying indefinitely. I’d rather it just be over Wi-Fi. Outages are pretty rare where I live so seems like paying $50 a year on top of the unit price isn’t worth it for the small benefit. Maybe they should include both and let ppl decide like tablet companies do.

  • Brady Simpson Brady Simpson on Jul 21, 2024

    Hey Kevin, founder here. Totally hear you. No one likes monthly fees! But if you have thousands of dollars in firearms and other valuables, you don't want to compromise on security and monitoring. We did look at Wi-Fi and decided against it not only because of power outages -- but because of sabotage. It's real easy to unplug a Wi-Fi router or cut the power to a house to completely defeat the device. In the future we may offer a cellular + Wi-Fi combo, but decided against it for that reason plus many others. Additionally, Wi-Fi struggles to get signal outside of thick safes because it is much higher frequency than cellular and cannot travel distances well. Most of the money from the data plan goes to the cellular providers to pay for the global data and sms, and then a portion goes to Simtek, which allows us to continually reinvest in the product and app. We are about to launch the ability to set a "heartbeat" alert for example and recently launched custom mute schedules. Lastly, anyone can cancel the data plan for any reason in the app, without needing to contact Simtek, without penalty.
