POTD: Freedom Behind Old Glory

Jorge aka @silencers_1909 of Capitol Armory shows off his impressive suppressor collection and his Remington 870 storage space. It is one of those wooden pallet flags with a compartment hidden behind it.

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BREAKING: ATF Decides Dead Air Wipes Are Silencer Parts

In a decision that could have broad implications throughout the silencer industry as well as with shooters/consumers, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (BATFE or ATF) has notified silencer manufacturer Dead Air Armament that the wipes used in their Ghost M silencer is a silencer part. News came to me from fellow blogger Nathan at ModernRifleman.net, who reported on an informational post on Dead Air’s Facebook  page stating the company will discontinue sales of the rubber insert immediately.

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SHHHHH!!!… the Springfield Armory Silent Operator has Arrived

A gun that was simply given away as a prize throughout the “Duel 3” sweepstakes back in 2015 has finally become available to the public. The Springfield Armory Master Class Silent Operator fills a void in the Springfield 1911 line-up since no stock models have threaded barrels. It also tips the scale on the tacti-cool factor (yup, I said it), and the price tag tips the scale as well.

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The 'Single Shot Trust' Takes Aim At Post 41F NFA Buying

If you are a prospective buyer of National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms – silencers, short barreled rifles, machine guns, etc. – the post 41F world might be laced with trepidation. After all, it is true that everyone must now submit photographs and fingerprints along with their ATF Form 4 (transfer) or Form 1 (making) applications. Even if you are using an NFA trust.

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So What Happens if the Hearing Protection Act Passes? – My Opinion

While TFB endeavors to avoid the politics itself, we do deal with the fallout of various political decisions. California’s new “gun control” laws being a perfect example of it, prompting innovation for “features” that previously that did not exist. Another is the Hearing Protection Act, which is having ramifications within the market today, intentional or not.

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So What Happens if the Hearing Protection Act Passes? – My Opinion

While TFB endeavors to avoid the politics itself, we do deal with the fallout of various political decisions. California’s new “gun control” laws being a perfect example of it, prompting innovation for “features” that previously that did not exist. Another is the Hearing Protection Act, which is having ramifications within the market today, intentional or not.

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So What Happens if the Hearing Protection Act Passes? – My Opinion

While TFB endeavors to avoid the politics itself, we do deal with the fallout of various political decisions. California’s new “gun control” laws being a perfect example of it, prompting innovation for “features” that previously that did not exist. Another is the Hearing Protection Act, which is having ramifications within the market today, intentional or not.

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Summary of LEAKED ATF White Paper & Analysis: NFA-Free Suppressors, Shouldered Braces, and Armor Piercing Ammo, Oh My!

In what appears to fly in the face of the Bureau’s prior attitudes towards enforcement of gun laws, a white paper by BATFE Associate  Deputy Director Ronald Turk was recently leaked which proposed loosening or modifying gun regulations in sixteen ways, to be discussed below. If you have not yet read Nicholas’ post on the leak, you can do that, and also follow the link here to the white paper itself. In this article, I’ll be taking a (hopefully) brief look at what the white paper means and why it’s so significant (and it is significant, don’t get me wrong).

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BREAKING: ATF White Paper Leaked

Just in the last hour someone leaked an ATF White Paper regarding changes to be potentially made in the ATF.

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Twinkie As A Suppressor?

Natezoinks posted this video on Jan 4. They shoot a 10/22 with sub sonic .22LR ammo by Normatac into a Twinkie. They jokingly say “I think we have a Twinkie Silencer folks!”. Did they make a silencer though? I would argue that they did not. First of all the Twinkie is not attached to the barrel which is part of the definition of a suppressor and key characteristic of one. Secondly they do not show what the bullet does once exiting the Twinkie. For all we know, the bullet could have been diverted by the cream filling and veered off at an awkward angle. Typically a decent suppressor shouldn’t shift POI too much. So in order to be a proper silencer, they should have had a target behind the Twinkie and see if sub sonic bullet can even travel through and hit the target.

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[SHOT '17] ANNOUNCED: The Lunar-45 From Gemtech

In the middle of their busiest time of year, my friends at Gemtech were nice enough to forward me some images and specifications on their latest creation. Making its first appearance at SHOT, the Lunar-45 is a brand new modular silencer capable of transforming into two different lengths depending on the task of the day. Marked as a .45 caliber pistol suppressor, the Lunar-45 can of handle rimfire rounds all the way up to subsonic .300BLK.

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Arion Compact Ported Pistol Suppressor

Arion has taken a slightly different spin on a pistol suppressor. It has ports inside the large brick that help redirect gasses and they escape out of a port below the muzzle end of the suppressor.

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The Rugged Oculus – Modular Rimfire Silencer

“Who needs another rimfire silencer on the U.S. market?” – said no one ever. Rugged Suppressors is announcing the Oculus: a modular .22LR can that can be run in both short and long configurations. I think I’m in love.

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POTD: Q Integral Pistol Suppressor

The Official Q has been making some small news on social media. There is anticipation for what they have coming out. Right now they have a light weight .22lr suppressor called El Camino. It is available at Silencershop.com http://www.silencershop.com/silencers/rimfire/el-camino.html

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TFB's 4th Day Of Christmas: Rimfire Silencers

No matter what religion you practice or holiday you observe, I’m asking everyone to pray that 2017 will be the ‘Year of the Silencer’. But we have to do more than just hope and pray. One good start would be to join the American Suppressor Association, a group that is helping to move the Hearing Protection Act through congress. If passed, the new law would essentially deregulate suppressors out from under the control of the National Firearms Act.

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