Gun Shops and Gun Laws of the Philippines

When people ask me about my hobbies, I am often hesitant to say “guns”, so my usual answer is “travel”. Frankly, it is both. And the more I travel, the more I understand that there are very few places in the world, outside of the US, that have an actual gun culture. More often than not, guns are a privilege available only to the rich and well-connected, and in very few places gun ownership is mainstream. But the Philippines are a good exception to that rule.

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How Good (or Bad) are Serb Gun Stores and Laws?

In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves is in Belgrade, Serbia visiting the ORUZJE.COM gun store to talk about gun laws, gun prices, and even the strange legal issues around fireworks and air guns in Serbia. What do you think of Serbia’s laws?

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Iowa Voters Add The Right To Keep And Bear Arms To Their State Constitution

Yesterday, on Election Day, Iowa voters had the choice to adopt or reject a ballot measure that would add the Right to Keep and Bear Arms language into the Iowa State Constitution. In Iowa, getting the language onto the ballot with the goal of amending the Constitution requires the measure to pass two consecutive legislative sessions before going to the voters to decide. This is actually the second time the Right to Keep and Bear Arms language has passed two legislative sessions, however, in 2019, a legal deadline was missed by the Secretary of State and the people’s voice had to wait for the process to start all over again. Two years after that failed attempt to add the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to Iowa’s Constitution, 65 percent of Iowa voters chose to protect and enshrine their Right to Keep and Bear Arms in their Constitution.

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UK Government Proposes a Flat-Out Ban on Lead Shot in Ammunition

While the UK firearms market might not be nearly as large as the United States, there are still a ton of hunters, collectors, recreational, and sport shooters who reside in the country who rely on quality ammunition just like we do here in the States, however, a new Consultation dossier on REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals) legislation has been put out that seeks to ban all lead shot in all habitats due to concerns surrounding the risks involved using the lead shot in wetlands and other habitats.

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TFB Podcast Roundup 64: 2A Talk, Ruger LC Carbine, and Ben Stoeger

Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 64. Part of being a competent firearms owner is having the ability to constantly learn and adapt your methods for various situations. Hop and I recently were able to attend an event at the legendary Gunsite academy in Arizona and if you’ve never been, the gist of Gunsite is that it’s basically Disney World for those who want to take all sorts of firearms training classes. The instructors at Gunsite have tons of knowledge and experience that they are more than willing to share with participants of their classes. If you can’t make it out to Gunsite, there are tons of great experienced shooters out there who are willing to share their learned expertise with you on the internet so you can take that training with you to the range and practice it on your own. Today we’ll be hearing from pro shooters like Ben Stoeger on Canada’s Slam Fire Radio Podcast, and National Champion Michelle Viscusi on Taurus’ new By the Horns podcast. As usual, sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s selection of firearms podcast content.

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Orchid News Update: NICS Enhanced Background Checks

Our friends at Orchid, who handle a variety of administrative, legal, and logistical services for Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders, are reminding everyone that firearms transfers for individuals between the ages of 18-20 will be delayed for a period of time while there is an implementation of enhanced background checks. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022 which was signed into law in June, mandated NICS enhanced background checks for anyone 18-20 years old to more thoroughly review juvenile records and the possible existence of any mental health prohibitions. Additional details can be found below.

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EasyExport Now Processing Suppressor Exports to the International Commercial Market

Until recently, U.S. laws and regulations prevented most commercial sales and exports of firearms classified under the National Firearms Act (NFA). However, changes to ITAR, USML, and State Department classifications in 2020 opened the exportation of silencers (sound suppressors) to commercial customers. If you thought navigating the NFA as a U.S. customer was confusing, exporting controlled items like silencers takes the process to a new level. EasyExport is offering a system to suppressor manufacturers that will streamline the procedures needed for international sales. Details can be found below.

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SILENCER SATURDAY #246: Game Theory and Form 1 NFA Firearms

Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of some of the most high-performing, yet affordable suppressors in today’s market. Last week we got a first look at the PWS BDE 7.62 modular and 3D printed rifle suppressor. We pause our reviews this week to discuss game theory surrounding gun control and Form 1 NFA firearms.

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New York's Gun Laws Getting In the Way of Historical Reenactments?

Historical battle reenactments are both very educational and a lot of fun to either participate in or watch. The Battle of Plattsburgh, a historic battle that ended the British invasion of the United States during the war of 1812, is one such battle that is reenacted every year in the state of New York. However, this year’s reenactment has been partially canceled due to the new gun law that was passed and went into effect on September 1st in the state of New York. The new law understandably has several reenactors scared with many canceling their planned appearances at the event.

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ATF Final Rule 2021R-05F (aka 80% Receiver Rule) Explained

The internet has been abuzz with discussions of the new ATF “receiver rule,” which became effective on August 24, 2022. Most of that conversation has focused on changes that affect the so-called 80% receivers. However, this regulation made changes in other areas as well. Let’s take a look at how this rule will work.

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Analysis of HR 1808, the Proposed 2022 Assault Weapons Ban

Yet again, an “assault weapons ban” has been proposed in the United States. HR 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, has passed the House of Representatives and been sent to the Senate. What is in this bill, and how would it work if it were passed? Well, dear reader, let’s take a look at the bill and how it both compares and differs from the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

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The Gunshine State: Florida Ranks Only 41st in FFL Numbers

The state of Florida is pretty well known for its fairly gun-friendly laws. While the American South, in general, can be considered somewhat of a very pro-gun area, the Sunshine State (or Gunshine State as I like to call it) has always ranked pretty highly in my head in terms of states that have less restrictive gun laws and also a place that has a pretty healthy pro-firearms market. However, today I learned that Florida actually ranks pretty low both in terms of the number of gun stores per capita, as well as the total number of gun sales per capita, at least according to research done through the efforts of the Small Arms Survey.

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Legislative Updates – Follow The American Suppressor Association On YouTube

While we don’t engage in partisan discussions here at TFB, keeping up with legislative, regulatory, and legal issues is important for the health of the firearms industry. In the past few months, several important legal and policy decisions have shaped the way gun ownership is categorized in the United States. In my opinion, one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented aspects of our industry is firearms categorized under the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934. This law, and subsequent additions, create barriers to ownership by implementing tax penalties, registration, and months of application wait times for firearms like suppressors and short barrel rifles. The American Suppressor Association is working to change public opinions on silencers and shape policy and legislation on NFA items. Follow the ASA on YouTube.

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Active Military (and Qualified Veterans) Get Permitless Carry in Louisiana

Senate Bill 143 (Act 680), was signed by Governor John Bel Edwards. The law enacts LRS 14:95.M to provide concealed carry exemptions for active military and veterans who meet certain requirements. The Act can be read at

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Legal Analysis – 2022 Supreme Court Gun Cases Explained

The 2022 Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) session resulted in several decisions impacting gun ownership. What exactly these cases mean and how they will impact gun regulation in America is not totally clear, but some points are fairly certain. An in-depth discussion of the nuance of these cases would be an entire book, and is far beyond the scope of one article. We will instead keep this a surface-level discussion.

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UPS Canceling Gun Dealer Accounts, Having Firearms and Parts Destroyed?

Some recent alarming news has come about from one of the country’s largest distributors of firearms, accessories, and ammunition. In a now-missing Facebook post, Brownells stated on July 1st that the United Parcel Service (UPS), had allegedly terminated their account and would no longer be accepting any of their shipments. A check of the Brownells shipping page currently only lists USPS and FedEx as available carrier options. In addition, the Florida-based Ghost Firearms were also notified that their account would be terminated for allegedly “violating applicable laws concerning the shipment of “ghost guns to unauthorized locations.” The full letter sent to Ghost Firearms has been posted below.

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Sweden Makes Suppressors License Free

Finland and Norway already have very generous legislation and traditions for suppressors, and today Sweden joins the club. The new legislation means that suppressors should no longer be considered a firearm part and they no longer require a specific license to possess, as long as you have a permit to own the firearm onto which the suppressor fits.

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TSA Finds Glock 43X In Carry On – Don't forget to Check Your Bags!

With air travel slowly returning to normal and the spring and summer season spurring on increased travel across the United States, I thought it might be fitting to give you all a reminder of what is at stake every time you head to the TSA checkpoint at your departing airport. A recent news story posted by Idaho Fall’s Local News 8 (KIF) reported that a passenger traveling from Idaho Falls to Salt Lake City, UT had a Glock 43X in their carry-on luggage which prompted TSA to contact airport law enforcement who then questioned the traveler and then let them continue to their destination. This marks the second time this year that the relatively small airport has found a firearm in a passenger’s carry-on bag while they were attempting to get through the TSA checkpoint.

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Record 300,000 Gun Sales Blocked by Federal Background Checks

There is always a lot of debate in the gun world in regards to background checks being conducted with gun legislation pundits on both sides constantly arguing over whether or not the current system actually works or not. A recent article put out by the Associated Press notes that a new record-breaking 300,000 potential guns sales were blocked by FBI background checks during 2020 which was apparently double the number of denials from the previous year.

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Silencer Central eForms Approval – Less Than 90 Days

The National Firearms Act (NFA) and the administrative, regulatory, and legal processes required to support it, are a de facto ban on firearms or accessories like silencers. There, I said it. But because the NFA is the law of the land, we have two choices if we want to shoot quietly: follow the rules or risk criminal prosecution. Given the choice, I prefer to pay $200, fill out the forms, and wait. Luckily a Silencer Central eForms approval has just come back in less than 90 days, which is about one-third of the time the process usually takes.

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Traveling with a Gun: U.S. LawShield's State-Specific Travel Guides

Carrying concealed no matter where you go is nothing new for a lot of people. However, for newcomers to the concealed carry practice, navigating the constantly changing and evolving state and federal laws can be a nightmare to keep up with. While doing your own research is perfectly fine, having a nice, compact, and concise guide for the dos and don’ts of carrying concealed in various states can be extremely helpful, especially for those who like to travel a lot. In fact, TFBTV’s James Reeves has been quoted as saying that queries on interstate travel with firearms (and into casinos) are one of his most frequently asked questions by U.S. Law Shield members. So if you’re curious, U.S. Law Shield has some great State-Specific Travel Guides that will give readers tips and facts as they pertain to gun laws in the state they are traveling into.

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One Week to Stop the Wait: Silencer Shop Sees 6-Day eForm Approvals

One of the biggest hurdles for most people when it comes to buying a suppressor (aside from the high upfront cost) is the fact that suppressors or other ATF Form 4 items usually take somewhere between 6-months to over a year to get back approved. For many, this means that their hard spent cash is sitting in a safe somewhere until a piece of paper with a stamp on it comes back to them almost a year later. However, according to Silencer Shop, the long waits seem to be over with the introduction of the ATF’s eForm process which Silencer Shop has seen bring back approved forms in as little as 6 days.

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The Fire Rises – Permitless Carry Bill Approved by AL Senate (HB272)

Alabama hopes to become the 22nd permitless carry state in the union with the passing of Alabama House Bill HB272. The bill was passed early this month with 23 representatives voting “yea” and the remaining 6 voting “nay” after a 90-minute debate between representatives of Alabama’s senate. Permitless carry has become increasingly popular throughout the United States as it removes several barriers for law-abiding citizens looking to carry a concealed weapon for personal defense. Although a healthy majority of representatives voted to pass the bill, a handful voted no citing concerns by law enforcement.

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SIG Sauer Files Lawsuit Alleging P320 Misrepresentations By Attorney

SIG Sauer filed a lawsuit against Jeffrey S. Bagnell, Esq., LLC, and Jeffrey S. Bagnell (the individual) alleging misrepresentations in an animated video of the internals of the P320 pistol. SIG claims that the animation is “plainly false and inaccurate.” The respondent’s website states that the animation was based on “ CT scan images and microscopic photography.

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SILENCER SATURDAY #218: The Kobayashi Maru – The Form 1 No-Win Scenario

Good afternoon everyone and thank you for joining us for another Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the YHM Turbo K rifle suppressor. Last week we swapped wipes in the B&T USA STATION SIX9 pistol. This week we are once again forced to pause silencer reviews for a look at a no-win scenario for Form 1 makers. Recently applicants received an email from the ATF requesting additional information on their plans and materials used to build their silencer. Failure to provide the requested information would result in Form 1 applications being disapproved and the $200 NFA tax refunded. So, what do we do now? Let’s dig in.

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SILENCER SATURDAY #215: SIG Sauer SLH300TI & SLH762 Suppressors

Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the new YHM Phantom 22 rimfire suppressor. Last week we finally got to finish up our initial look the the LMT-AT ION 30 rifle suppressor (I’m a fan). This week we continue our discussion on SIG’s newest additions to the suppressor market – the SLH300TI and SLH762 models. Do they take full advantage of the benefits of additive manufacturing? Let’s find out.

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TFB B-Side Podcast: Gun Law and Gun Culture in Italy with Giorgio O

Italy is famous within the firearms world for its long-standing history of firearms production. Beretta, in particular, is famous for being the oldest active manufacturer of firearms in the world with the company being established back in the 16th century, nearly 500 years ago. While Giorgio is nowhere near that old, he is very familiar with Italian firearms law and culture because that is where he was born and raised. Today Giorgio and I talk about some of his experience and knowledge surrounding the Italian firearms world as well as some of his thoughts on what the future of Italian firearms culture and law will look like in the years to come. Giorgio has been writing with TFB for about 3 years now with some of his earliest coverage being from the IDEX convention in 2019.

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Griffin Armament Sued Over SR-RIGID Rail Series By Patriot Ordnance Factory

In a recent legal action against Griffin Armament (Hearing Protection LLC), Patriot Ordnance Factory (POF) has asserted that the Griffin Armament SR-RIGID barrel nut design infringes on POF’s  heat sink barrel nut patent which has similar design characteristics to the 1928 Thompson Machine gun barrel. In a press release provided to us by Griffin Armament, the company explains that they feel that the litigation against them is meritless and also unfairly reduces free-market competition. The full press release is below but we’d like to hear your thoughts and comments on this subject as always.

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Italian Parliament Approves 9 Luger for Pistols – Is This the End of 9x21mm IMI?

On the 21st of December 2021, the Italian Parliament has finally penned the word “end” on a decades-long national oddity: the ban of the 9×19 mm Luger. This comes as part of a package of amendments aimed to align Italian laws to the European Union’s. A step in the right direction, for once.

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SILENCER SATURDAY #207: Subsonic Shotgunning, New SiCo EVO, ATF eForms

Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the YHM Phantom 22 rimfire suppressor. Last week we discussed the new Griffin Armament EXPLORR ET3 T-300 rifle can. This week we have a mash up of news and reviews, starting with some subsonic shotgunning with a new release from Seismic Ammunition. Have you felt the recoil of a 2.5 ounce slug going just over 1,000 feet per second? Let’s take a look.

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