7 Reasons Why a Steyr AUG is Better than an AR-15

James Reeves
by James Reeves

Which is better? The Steyr AUG or the AR-15? Let’s hear your opinion with this poll before James gets started: https://forms.gle/xei8FeLqgRo7f3rMA

The executive summary from the 1985 Australian Army Colt M-16 vs. Steyr AUG trials.

In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves goes over seven reasons (OK, really just six) that the Steyr AUG bullpup is better than the AR-15/M-16/M4 carbine. Relying a little on personal experience but mostly on an intense 1985 weapons trial put on by the Australian Army, James tells you how the AUG bests the mighty M-16. The 1985 trial between the Colt M16A2 and the Steyr AUG A1 pitted the two venerable rifles against the other in mud dunks, dust storms, sand dragging, rainstorms, and other forms of government-funded torture-testing.

Even though the original 1985 T&E report was declassified in June 2019, the .pdf was split up into three non-OCR disorganized volumes interspersed with blank pages. James has OCR’d (made the document searchable) and combined the report, organized it, and eliminated the blank pages.

You can download it by clicking here (44MB, probably the best option if you want to read it).


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James Reeves
James Reeves

Owner, Neutral Ground Gun Co. NRA/Louisiana State Police certified concealed weapons instructor, 2012-present Maxim Magazine's MAXIMum Warrior, 2011 TFBTV Executive Producer Champion, Key West Cinco De Mayo Taco Eating Competition Lawyer Instagram: gunshorts Twitter: @jjreeves

More by James Reeves

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2 of 188 comments
  • Frank Frank on May 21, 2020

    Great video. I have no real bias in favor of or against any particular firearm. If' it is reliable, durable and functional with the capability to serve it's purpose and serve as a fine shooting weapon then I'd say it is worthy of consideration. I find way too many people who claim this gun or that gun was proven good or bad. Your video mentions improvements or changes plus, what wasn't mentioned, but not necessarily relevant to your presentation, is that many of the popular rifles have been modified or manufactured under license by other manufacturers. In the case of the Colt rifle or the .45 caliber 1911 pistol, you'd have to compare dozens of models before making a general statement as to how they perform and also include or exclude after market components or modified designs.
    I truly enjoy and appreciate being able to get honest information, not personal opinion or evaluations, on the capabilities and qualities of firearms without bias or regurgitated myths or opinions from those who obvious have poorly researched or done none at all on firearms they talk about.
    Not to ramble on, but I own a Taurus 99 and have heard people refer to it as a Berretta copy which bothered me as I find it to be a smooth shooting, quality made pistol. Once I researched it's back story which is that it was made in an acquired Berretta factory and not a cheap clone or copy, I now take any opinions of claimed "facts" with a grain of salt until I can get more information. I realize other good firearms have been misaligned such the FAL L1A1 and many seemingly misunderstood such as the Uzi and MAC-10.
    The TV show Miami Vice made the Steyr known and made it cool, but I can see it's worthy of it's reputation as well as the AR-15, but no pistol or rifle is absolutely perfect.

  • Bloody Bucket Bloody Bucket on May 21, 2020

    I have to agree. I have a Micro Tech E4, (uses AR/M-16 mags). I added a "Trigger Tamer" that was advertised in Small Arms Review magazine. Dropped the trigger to about 4 lbs. It took longer to read the instructions then do the mod. Great reliable, accurate gun. I still say a bull pup would be perfect for those of us who are in mechanized infantry units. Someone call DOD with this report!
