POTD: The Tombstone - Suppressed 9mm Lever Gun

Eric B
by Eric B

TFB has been running our very special Photo Of The Day for years, sharing great photos from around the world and the world of firearms. Sometimes the selected pictures involve a lot of action and shooting, sometimes there’s another reason behind the choice. Like today, because when I see images like this, I get really interested in buying another rifle.

I mean, I can hear the silence when I shoot those heavy subsonics, hitting the steel targets out there and I think you can do the same?

The Tombstone, made by Patriot Ordnance Factory (POF-USA), is a 9mm magazine-fed lever-action. Some say they have seen prettier firearms, but I think it’s great to see modern versions of lever-action rifles. There aren’t many that fire from detachable magazines either.

What do you think about The Tombstone? Do you like this configuration like me, or would you shop elsewhere?

Image source: Patriot Ordnance Factory

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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4 of 10 comments
  • Gmi85096273 Gmi85096273 7 days ago

    A very expensive range toy.

    • Ali85107313 Ali85107313 6 days ago

      I must respectfully disagree. It is a mid-range assassination tool. I'll bet the Mossad and the National Clandestine Service of the CIA have already fielded them. In fact, they may have designed it.

  • This makes no sense. Why are we putting all the modern embellishments on a 150 year old operating system? I find it very hard to believe that the Mossad and CIA are using lever action weapons in the field. Why wouldn't you just put your silencer and red dot on a select fire MP5 and call it a day. You can still fire single shot, but switch to FA in a firefight. Lever action is nostalgic, but really, really slow (in comparison to semi-auto) and obsolete.

    • Ali85107313 Ali85107313 5 days ago

      Clandestine operators have always used a locked breech to get the optimum noise reduction. Look up the original Hush Puppy and the De Lisle carbine. Single shot semi-auto allows noise to escape the ejection port. The Mossad wanted the firearm so quiet that the target would fall down and the target's companions or bodyguards would not immediately realize he/she had been shot...precious seconds to disappear before they start looking around for a shooter.
