Nocpix - A New Brand In Thermal Imaging

Eric B
by Eric B

A new brand for thermals and night vision equipment has been born: Nocpix. This is a brand by InfiRay Technologies. According to the presentation Nocpix was born to push the boundaries in the outdoor electro-optic industry by using the latest advancements in thermal sensor technology. The brand name is an abbreviation of “nocturnal” and “pixel”, which represents their ambition to create next-level thermal night vision image quality. Nocpix mentions specialization and innovation as key factors for their future success, and they say they are dedicated to providing the most complete thermal and digital night vision product lineup.

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Here is a quote from their new brand introduction:

“Nocpix, an innovative technology brand empowered by InfiRay Technologies, is committed to merging cutting-edge technology with the time-honored tradition of hunting. We provide a more focused and refined solution specifically tailored for thermal hunting. Our brand stands strong on three key pillars.
First, Advancements in code and core——Nocpix perfectly combines the strength in sensor and AI image algorithms, delivering unmatched image quality across all classes..
Second, Ultimate visual experience beginning and end——Nocpix pioneered the Vision Plus system, synergizing the performance of key vision components including lens, micro display and ocular.
Intuitive interface inside and out——Nocpix puts users' needs and habits at the heart of our design philosophy, making products work the way you want them to.
Nocpix lets you see through the darkness, giving you the clarity and precision you need for every hunt.”

Below you can see the Nocpix logotype:

According to the presentation, the Nocpix logo is more than just a red X. It illustrates the link between sensor and pixel counts, representing their ambition to create the highest-resolution image with the most advanced sensor technology. In addition, the interspace of the logo composes the shape of a reticle, symbolizing their pursuit of focus and precision.

We will get back with more news about the Nocpix devices in future reviews.

Here is an image from one of their upcoming thermal riflescopes.

And the thermal riflescope itself, from the new ACE series.

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

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