[SHOT 2019] Soft shooting PCCs and an even lighter OIP from Battle Arms Development

Rusty S.
by Rusty S.
The OIP gen 2 and the 9mm Tanker PCC


Battle Arms Development’s already crazy light OIP rifle keeps losing weight! The OIP Gen 2 drops a few ounces due to BAD’s new carbon fibre grip, available with either an “OIP” or chevrons cut into the grip. The new weight of the rifle is 3.8lbs. That’s nearly in the territory of the ENYO. I was fortunate enough to get some trigger time with the OIP, and I was impressed. The titanium Thumper brake helps make this light rifle controllable. In fact, I found it almost as controllable as my competition rifle, a JP Enterprises SCR-11.

In the middle are 2 OIP gen 2 rifles. Note the purple hue of their titanium muzzle brakes..


A rogue's gallery of Battle Arms' beauties

One of the first guns to catch my eye in BAD’s smorgasbord of rifles was the new 9mm PCC in their “tanker” guise. A beautiful combination of aluminum and wood, the Tanker was pretty rock solid about staying on target. Most notably, I found the PCC easier to rack than other PCCs, even those in Battle Arms’ rarified price point. Shooting some of their full auto 9mm examples paid testament to the efficient design of their muzzle brakes. It was easy to keep a magazine of 9mm on target even with the fun switch engaged.

Center: a full auto 9mm PCC
A LH view of one of their 9mms

Get a handle on it

Also new was BAD’s “The Rack” charging handle. Designed for blowback guns, this charging handle allows one to rip it back without unlatching anything. Battle Arms Development’s firearms may be priced in nosebleed territory, that is true. Personally, I found the rifles on display at SHOT to be works of art from both a technical and aesthetic standpoint. It should prove hard to find a lighter AR thats as well built and controllable as the OIP. Their PCC was also fantastic to shoot, though a shorter reset trigger should be a request of anyone who seeks to use on in competition.

BAD's new "The Rack" charging handle

For more information, visit Battle Arms Development

Rusty S.
Rusty S.

Having always had a passion for firearms, Rusty S. has had experience in gunsmithing, firearms retail, hunting, competitive shooting, range construction, as an IDPA certified range safety officer and a certified instructor. He has received military, law enforcement, and private training in the use of firearms. Editor at Outdoorhub.com

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