Wheelgun Wednesday: Top 3 Griz Guns That Could SAVE Your Life

I recently returned from black bear hunting in the northern woods of Minnesota (sadly, unsuccessfully). A recurring question I get from non-bear hunters who are scared of those fur-balls is, “what do I carry as a sidearm for protection?” It is an Echelon with 9mm +P+ ammo in it (insert your favorite XYZ full-size 9mm handgun of choice). Black bears simply don’t have the same fiery temperament as their brown bear brethren. I am more scared of a pack of timberwolves picking me off in the dark or a moose curb-stomping my butt into the forest floor. If you live in griz country, you have entirely different concerns than I. You need authentic, red-blooded American, STOPPING POW-AH! So, if you are hunting, hiking, camping, or bird-watching where grizzly bears are present, here are 3 wheelguns that could save your life. 

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