TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #75: Wolverine 5K Tactical Adventure Race

Over the year I’ve really gotten addicted to trying out different types of firearm competitions. While I’ve dabbled in some of the more well-known competition spheres, USPSA, Multi-Gun, and Steel Challenge, I’ve also strayed off the beaten path and found something even better – ones that let you run around in expensive gear with your friends. One such race I’ve yet to try that falls into this category is the Wolverine 5K. The Wolverine 5K is a Red Dawn-inspired “Tactical Adventure Race” that incorporates aspects of not just shooting, but moving with your squad, mountaineering, and some complex problem and puzzle-solving skills. Today we have the pleasure of speaking with one squad who participated in this year’s Wolverine 5K, and we’ll be hearing from Philip, Brent, and Tyler as they describe to us their experiences at the 2023 Wolverine 5K Tactical Adventure Race.

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