Wheelgun Wednesday: Korth Super Sport GTS Revolver

Welcome back to Wheelgun Wednesday, TFB’s weekly article series where we talk about everything revolver-related. Today we’ll take a look at the German  Korth Super Sport GTS revolver that is now available stateside through Nighthawk Custom. Previously, there were three Super Sport revolvers (STX, ALX, ULX) in the company’s catalog that differed from each other by the design and materials of the barrel shroud side rails which resulted in different overall weights of these revolvers. The Super Sport GTS has no side rails and its weight can be adjusted by attaching weight bars to the barrel housing. Apparently, the Super Sport GTS is the successor of the STX, ALX and ULX as currently it’s the only Super Sport revolver both on the Nighthawk Custom’s and Korth’s websites.

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