Getting Gassed Up: The Anatomy of A Pistol Reload

A common anti-Second Amendment talking point is that the Founding Fathers couldn’t possibly have imagined the evolution that firearms have seen since they had a key role in founding the United States. Of course, we know that to be untrue, due to the letter written to Congress in 1777 by Joseph Belton. In this letter, one of the most exciting promises made was that eight rounds could be fired one after another without reloading. At the time, even an experienced rifleman could take 10 or more seconds before delivering another ball. These days, that problem has been alleviated with the use of box magazines, and centuries of combined shooting knowledge passed down from the greats. I am not one of these greats, so I won’t pretend that I can make you better, but these are some defined steps that may help you round out your pistol reload.

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