‘If I Knew Then What I Know Now…’ Silencer Shop Helps With Accessories

by Pete

When it comes to firearms, we all start somewhere. Many of us began our shooting experience as kids, often being handed the family rimfire rifle or side-by-side shotgun in bone-stock configuration. It’s not until months or years later that shooters decide to add functional improvements in the way of accessories, and then continue to refine these changes by adding (or removing) pieces as we improve. Silencers (or suppressors) should be viewed as just another accessory that adds functionality to a system that is outfitted for you and your missions. To be clear, a ‘mission’ can be a defensive situation or a purely fun range toy.

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Silencer Shop: The Beginner's Guide To Silencers (aka Suppressors)

‘If I knew Then What I Know Now…’ Silencer Shop Helps Breakdown Standard Firearm Accessories

As I have highlighted in past Silencer Saturday editions, understand your realistic needs for a specific platform. For instance, adding a bayonet to an M4 carbine may make for great Instagram content, but offers almost zero real-world functionality. On the other hand, adding a tactical sling, weapon light, red dot optic, or silencer has almost universal advantages over platforms without these options.

For those of you who are at the beginning of your accessorizing journey, I am going to lay out some of the features and advantages of slings, lights, optics, and silencers. Keep in mind that each of these upgrades comes with disadvantages as well. The addition of weight, length/size, complexity, and the need for additional training will apply across the board.

As a friendly reminder, local, state, and federal firearms laws can be complex, especially when they involve firearms covered under the National Firearms Act. Before making alterations to any weapon system, know the laws and don’t be afraid to stop and ask for help. The Silencer Shop team is available to help you navigate any of these issues either by phone, email or in person.

Let’s walk through three of the most common accessories/modifications, followed by a look at the benefits of adding, what I believe is one of the most important accessories, a quality silencer.

Weapon Slings

Using a sling on a carbine offers numerous benefits that enhance both functionality and safety. First, a sling provides improved weapon retention, securing the carbine to your body and allowing for hands-free operation, which is crucial for performing tasks without needing to set the weapon down. This is particularly helpful in tactical situations where quick transitions between tasks are necessary. 

Additionally, a sling can enhance stability and accuracy by providing extra support, which helps stabilize the weapon when aiming and firing. The distribution of the carbine's weight across your body also reduces fatigue, making it more comfortable to carry the weapon for extended periods. Slings allow for quicker transitions between different shooting positions and between primary and secondary weapons, facilitating faster movement in dynamic environments. They offer versatility with multiple carry options, such as single-point, two-point, or three-point configurations, which can be adjusted to fit the user's needs and preferences. 

A sling also contributes to safety by maintaining control of the carbine, preventing it from swinging freely and causing potential injury (barrels get hot) and ensuring the weapon is always in a ready position. 

Overall, a sling is an essential accessory that significantly enhances the usability, comfort, and safety of a carbine.

Key advantages:

1. Improved Weapon Retention - Security & Hands-Free Operation: 

2. Enhanced Stability and Accuracy -Support & Bracing

3. Reduced Fatigue - Weight Distribution: 

4. Quick Transitions - Weapon Transitions & Overall Movement: 

5. Versatility - Multiple Carry Options & Customization for Individual Shooters

6. Safety - Control & Readiness

Weapon Lights

Having a weapon light mounted on a rifle or pistol provides benefits that are valuable in low-light or dark environments. One of the primary advantages is enhanced visibility, allowing you to clearly see the target and surroundings, which is crucial for accurate target identification and situational awareness. This reduces the risk of accidental harm to non-threats or friendly personnel. 

Improved accuracy is another significant benefit, as the illumination from the flashlight aids in acquiring and maintaining a clear sight picture, especially in low-light conditions. The ability to quickly and effectively navigate in dark environments is also greatly improved, aiding in overall safety by preventing accidents and hazards. 

Weapon lights on firearms have a hands-free operation, which is essential for maintaining proper grip and control while still illuminating the target. 

A weapon light is a versatile and valuable accessory for firearms, enhancing operational effectiveness, safety, and tactical capability in various situations.

1. Enhanced Visibility - Illumination: & Better Threat Identification:

2. Improved Accuracy - Target Acquisition/Identification & Better Aiming 

3. Increased Safety - Navigational Aid & Limited Non-Lethal Deterrence

4. Tactical Advantage - Momentary Illumination & Disorientation

5. Hands-Free Operation - Operational Efficiency

Red Dot Optics

Using a red dot optic on a rifle or pistol offers a range of benefits that significantly enhance shooting performance and accuracy. One of the foremost advantages is faster target acquisition - red dot optics allow for quick sight alignment without the need to line up front and rear sights. This feature, combined with the ability to shoot with both eyes open, improves peripheral vision and situational awareness.

Additionally, red dot optics provide a precise aiming point, enhancing accuracy by maintaining the dot on target despite slight changes in head position. They also perform exceptionally well in low-light conditions due to the illuminated reticle, and some models are compatible with night vision equipment, making them versatile across different lighting scenarios. 

The reduction in eye strain is another benefit, as shooters only need to focus on a single plane—the target—making it easier to maintain focus during extended shooting sessions. Red dot optics also contribute to faster transitions between targets and shooting positions, which is essential in both tactical and competitive shooting. 

Moreover, these optics are built for durability, often with robust construction that withstands harsh conditions and extends battery life.

A red dot optic enhances speed, accuracy, and ease of use, making it a valuable addition to both rifles and pistols.


Adding a sound suppressor to a rifle or pistol provides numerous benefits that enhance the overall shooting experience. One of the most significant advantages is the reduction of noise, which protects the hearing of the shooter and those nearby, often eliminating the need for additional hearing protection. This noise reduction also minimizes environmental noise pollution, making shooting less disturbing to other shooters on the range or hunters in the woods. Suppressors also help mitigate recoil and muzzle rise, allowing for better control of the firearm, faster follow-up shots, and improved accuracy. 

The reduction in muzzle flash provided by a suppressor is particularly beneficial in low-light conditions, preserving night vision and concealing the shooter’s position. Furthermore, the lower noise levels facilitate better communication among shooters and instructors, enhancing tactical coordination and training environments. In hunting scenarios, suppressors reduce noise disturbance to wildlife and protect the hearing of the hunter, contributing to a more ethical and enjoyable experience. 

Silencers also reduce the concussive blast felt by the shooter, making shooting more comfortable and less fatiguing over extended sessions. 

In short, adding a sound suppressor improves safety, accuracy, comfort, and environmental compatibility, making it a valuable accessory for both rifles and pistols.

1. Noise Reduction - Hearing Protection & Reduced Noise Pollution

2. Recoil and Muzzle Rise Reduction - Improved Control & Enhanced Accuracy: 

3. Flash Suppression - Low-Light shooting performance enhancements

4. Enhanced Communication - Tactical Advantages & Training Environments

5. Increased Safety - Situational Awareness & Concealed Positions

6. Versatility - Multi-Platform Use

7. Enhanced Hunting Experience - Wildlife Conservation & Hearing Conservation

8. Comfort and Enjoyment -Reduced Concussion & Less Fatigue

The most important thing to remember about adding accessories to any weapon is properly identifying the problem that the accessory solves. Be honest and realistic with yourself when it comes to adding parts and pieces that will add complexity to a system. And finally, always consider safety and training with your new setup as these changes can have an effect on your form and shooting performance.

Thanks for reading. Be safe, have fun, and we’ll see you back here at TFB (and Silencer Shop) for more silencer content.

TFB is proud to partner with Silencer Shop as our preferred vendor for all of your NFA needs. Whether you are searching for a new suppressor, SBR, or trust, Silencer Shop is here to provide a seamless and fast service for your next NFA purchase. Head over to  www.silencershop.com to begin your NFA journey.


Silencers - Science Pete@thefirearmblog.com

More by Pete

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  • Battlescrote Battlescrote on Jul 11, 2024

    It's surprising that you didn't mention the drawbacks of any of these accessories, with weight being the one that comes most readily to my mind.

  • KSKLR KSKLR on Jul 12, 2024

    RDS, good sling, and a good suppressor are all your AR really needs. A suppressor, especially now that you don’t have to wait for months to get it, is almost mandatory these days.
