[SHOT 2024] KWESST Reveals New 40mm Baton Round

TFB Staff
by TFB Staff
[SHOT 2024] KWESST Reveals New 40mm Baton Round

KWESST, renowned for its proprietary projectile designs and 37mm launchers, including the Ace single-shot and the rotary ARWEN, is breaking new ground in the munitions industry. The company has initiated the production of a brand new line of 40mm projectiles, with a baton round as the lead product offering. The decision to kickstart production with the baton round rests on the significant demand in the market.

In the words of KWESST’s David Luxton, “The world doesn’t need another 40mm launcher, but it does need a 40mm round with the accuracy of a 37mm.” The company is expressing its confidence in the 40mm baton round’s performance, which is expected to match or even surpass their 37mm offerings’ accuracy.

Known for their commitment to responsive service, KWESST is also setting up its manufacturing units for these rounds and launchers in North Carolina. This move aims to cater more efficiently to its U.S.-based customers by eliminating any potential delays and complications related to import/export procedures.

It is important to note that the 40mm baton round is merely the first of many upcoming offerings from KWESST. Future plans include product line expansion with additional rounds to cater to specific market demands, which could potentially offer CS, OC, or other types of loads.

This new development marks a significant milestone for KWESST as they continue to diversify their portfolio of munitions. It highlights the company’s commitment to innovation and their readiness to adapt to ever-evolving market trends and client needs with speed and dynamism.

TFB Staff
TFB Staff

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  • IOJ IOJ on Jan 23, 2024

    Finally, a company with a name worse than HXWRKX.

    • HemingwaysBeard HemingwaysBeard on Jan 23, 2024

      @IOJ They ran a special think tank comprised of former Pentagon officials to come up with the most difficult acronym to remember.

  • Armed Partisan Armed Partisan on Jan 23, 2024

    Finally! My M79 build will have a legitimate use other than my Hornet's Nest adapters. :D
