Kalashnikov TG2 chambered for .366

Eric B
by Eric B

The Russians are busy inventing new rifles and Kalashnikov Group have announced a rifle called TG2 chambered for the .366ТКМ round.

The looks and appearance are identical to the AK 103 rifle, however the TG2 has a smooth barrel with paradox rifling. In short, a Paradox is a combination gun that can fire both pellets like a shotgun and Paradox bullets like a rifle.

Below: Is this an AK-103 or a TG2? Well, no one can tell for sure as the looks are identical.

The TG2 366 TKM comes with a side rail for scope mounts and a proprietary 10-round magazine.

The ballistics of the 366 TKM is identical to 7,62×39 mm up to 100 m, if we’re to believe Kalashnikov.

Now, who would want this you may ask? The intention for the TG2 is that in some countries it can be bought under the usual license for smooth-bore weapons. To get a license for a “real” rifle, with a rifled barrel, is more or less impossible.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean it’s coming to the US and other markets. I would think this is a product more focused on local markets with legislation that makes owning rifles difficult. I think the Government is trying to say that their citizens are only allowed to reach out up to 100 meters, and with low-velocity firearms.

The muzzle brake has M24x1,5RH threading.

The .366 TKM round. The “shotgun” that is a rifle. At least up to 100 meters. Kalashnikov doesn’t mention if there are magazines with more than 10 rounds available.

.366 inches is about 9,29 mm, so a bit larger than the 7,62 mm. There seems to be plenty of force down range to knock the steel.

Pictures taken from Kalashnikov Media and the video.

You can check the VIDEO of the TG2 here.

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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  • Ayur Sandanov Ayur Sandanov on Nov 26, 2017

    Please cover the things that were unveiled by Molot Arms and Techkrim at Arms & Hunting 2017. I mean, these won't available for purchase in US most likely, but they're interesting from a caliber perspective.

    Namely, the 9.6x53 Lancaster round and a whole line of "shotguns" developed for it (bolt-action, RPK variants, Mosin rebarrel). The actual diameter of the bullet before engaging Paradox rifling is over 10 mm (equal to .410, to encourage reloading). It's kind of powerful, such as the Mosin refurbish for it even had to forgo the historical authenticity (a BIG thing for Russian customers who would buy a Mosin) and have a muzzle brake and a rubber pad to prevent shooter discomfort. It is developed for "shotguns" with a Lancaster spiral 2-rifling bore.

    They've developed a whole new line of bullets for the caliber (as well as for the .366 TKM), and finally Russian gun market starts resembling American one, with big manufacturers (KC, Molot VPO) reacting to customer feedback and introducing new products rapidly. All weapons and cartridges shown are already in production and have hit the stores.

    This manufacturer forum thread - it's in Russian, but I think Google translate can make it quite readable - has a lot of photographs and video presentations. I'm prepared to translate these if you want.


  • Colonel K Colonel K on Nov 28, 2017

    We must get these rounds in a handgun in time for Christmas
